Celebrating Maureen Carnegie's Retirement

We wish to recognize and congratulate Accessibility Consultant, Maureen Carnegie, on a successful, 23-year career in Student Success and Engagement as she bids farewell to Humber on June 30.  

Maureen began her career at Humber in 1999 as a Counsellor and Disability Consultant with a few iterations of job title in between. Since then she has contributed to the success of countless students, built solid, collaborative relationships with teaching faculty and mentored many new staff navigating their role in Accessible Learning Services (ALS). From 2005-2014, Maureen led the team as Coordinator for Disability Services at Humber and to this day, ALS can always count on her ‘can do’ spirit when starting any projects – from writing inaugural funding proposals to applications for funding our annual transition-to-postsecondary programs, planning our move from B building to the LRC or supporting professional development opportunities for her peers.

Maureen’s commitment to equity and inclusion has been evident in not only her faculty role, but also on the committees and organizations she has contributed to. Maureen served as co-chair of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Committee (2011 to 2016) where her proposal resulted in space allocation and funding for the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre. The centre was first of its kind in Ontario colleges. Maureen delivered on-site Mental Health First Aid training to numerous Ontario college administrators, staff and faculty on behalf of Humber as a component of a specialized, provincial grant initiative, which has continued as integral programming. Her expertise in the disability service field was called upon to design and co-facilitate training for both the Trebas Institute and the Toronto School of Art on how to establish and maintain student disability services in the context of the Ontario Human Rights Code and lending her knowledge in participation with our initiatives involving universal design for learning.

Maureen has been generous and thoughtful with her time as well as with her expertise to which ALS and the broader community has benefited greatly.  

Please take a moment to wish her well on this momentous occasion.

Accessible Learning Services Team