Chrome River: Training Sessions for Processing Purchase Card Transactions

What is Chrome River?

Effective December 2017, Humber will switch over to Chrome River for processing Purchase Card (P-card) transactions with Travel & Expense functionality to follow in 2018. Chrome River’s expense module is a fast, fluid, mobile web solution that is user-friendly and will be fully integrated with Humber’s Banner Finance.

Why now?

The current BMO Details Online P-card system will cease to exist on December 31, 2017 thus Humber decided to implement a comprehensive Travel and Expense solution which offers the latest functionality in travel and expense management.

When and how will Chrome River be deployed?

The entire set of functionalities will be released over two phases:

  • Purchase Card (P-card) – by November 21, 2017 (Phase 1)
  • Travel & Expense – by Spring 2018 (Phase 2)

When will training be offered?

For Phase 1: P-card, Financial Services and Planning will offer two types of training sessions: 

1. Demo Sessions: to showcase the new system and features

Target Audience: All P-card holders and Administrative Assistants (who have and/or support P-card holders)

Duration: 1 hour (multiple sessions each day) 

Registration: information will be emailed to all P-card holders and, were applicable, their Administrative Assistants

Date Campus
November 6 Lakeshore Campus
November 8 North Campus
November 10 North Campus

2. Train the Trainer Sessions: to train individuals that want to train and/or assist their peers

Target Audience: Business Managers; Administrative Assistants, P-card users that have an interest in helping others in their school/department

Duration: ½ days hands-on

Date Campus
November 13 Lakeshore Campus
November 15 North Campus
November 16 North Campus
November 17 North Campus

Registration: Please contact

Where can I find more information on Chrome River?

Please visit for questions and answers related to Chrome River. If your specific question is not listed, please use the “Ask a Question” section to submit your question. 

How will I be informed?

For Phase 1 deployment – Weekly updates on the Humber Communique.

For Phase 2 deployment – Timely information will be provided once this phase begins.


If anyone has any questions and/or suggestions, please contact:

Kelly Morrow
Associate Director, Financial Services
416.675.6622 x5093
Paula Borges
Manager, Financial Systems, Technology & Training
416.675.6622 x4408