Chrome River Update

When is Chrome River going live?

The entire set of functionalities will be released over two phases:

  • Purchase Card (P-card) – November 21, 2017 (Phase 1)
  • Travel & Expense – Spring 2018 (Phase 2)

How do I access Chrome River?

On November 21st, all users with a Banner Finance profile will be able to access Chrome River via Humber College Single Sign-On (SSO). The URL for Chrome River will be This link can be accessed using any device (PC/Mac and Mobile) with an internet connection.

What is the address for emailing receipts to Chrome River?

When emailing a receipt image to Chrome River, please send it to For ease of access, this address can be saved to your email contacts.

To ensure Chrome River receives your emailed receipt image, use either your Humber email account or an alternate email address that you have added to your Personal Settings in Chrome River. You should receive an email notification from Chrome River indicating that your receipt was received. Please visit the Humber Finance website ( to access the Job Aid on adding an alternate email address in Chrome River.

Where do I approve my transactions for my November P-card statement?

Credit Card transactions with a statement posting date prior to and including November 20th:

  • Process and approve in BMO Details Online
  • Cardholders will have until November 30th to complete their November 2017 statement submission in BMO Details Online
  • Any transactions with a statement date subsequent to November 20th appearing in BMO Details Online should be ignored as they will be processed within Chrome River.

Credit Card transactions with a statement posting date of November 21st and beyond:

  • Process and approve in Chrome River

See the attached PDF for a calendar view of the transition to Chrome River

Where can I find more information on Chrome River?

Please visit for questions and answers related to Chrome River. If your specific question is not listed, please use the “Ask a Question” section to submit your question.

Please visit for Chrome River Job Aids.

How will I be informed?

For Phase 1 deployment – Weekly updates on the Humber Communique.

For Phase 2 deployment – Timely information will be provided once this phase begins.

If anyone has any questions and/or suggestions, please contact:

Kelly Morrow
Associate Director, Financial Services 
416.675.6622 x5093
Paula Borges
Manager, Financial Systems, Technology & Training
416.675.6622 x4408