CMHC-SSHRC Joint Initiative: Collaborative Housing Research Network

SSHRC and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) are partnering to offer a new joint initiative aimed at funding research related to housing in order to help set the stage for the creation of a Collaborative Housing Research Network. Research projects undertaken by teams composed of academics as well as non-academics will focus on 5 priority areas that were determined by CMHC:

  1. Housing for those in greatest need
  2. Community Housing Sustainability
  3. Northern Housing
  4. Sustainable Housing and Communities
  5. Balanced Supply of Housing

The first stage of this two stage competition will be through the Partnership Development Grants and are valued at $80,000 over one year. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a proposal at the second stage of the Partnership Grants. Application forms will be available at the beginning of August 2018 with a November 15, 2018 deadline.

In addition, in the context of their partnership, SSHRC and CMHC are also offering postdoctoral fellowships to individuals conducting humanities and social sciences research in housing-related areas. Each fellowship is valued at $40,500 per year and is tenable for up to 24 months. Further information can be found on the CMHC National Housing Strategy website. Candidates must apply through SSHRC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship funding opportunity and select the CMHC-SSHRC Housing Research Training Awards Program from the drop-down menu in their application form. They will also be required to provide a justification as to why their research should be considered for these awards. Candidates will have until September 20, 2018 to apply.

If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact Crystal Williams (