College Council Highlights - December 2017

College Council Highlights: December 7, 2017

Humber College Council (HCC) held its third meeting of the 2017-18 academic year on Thursday, December 7th at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact

Chris Whitaker Remarks

Chris Whitaker, President of Humber College, welcomed HCC members and acknowledged the end of the faculty strike and thanked everyone for their patience and professionalism. He noted the changes to the academic calendar. As well there were still outstanding issues related to the strike, including the administration of the student hardship fund, assessing the impact on students, and student withdrawals and refunds.

Strategic Enrollment Management

Presenters: Gina Antonacci, Associate Vice-President, Academic, and Barb Riach, Registrar, Office of the Registrar, provided a strategic enrollment management (SEM) update.

Core SEM Update

  • A training template for the new corridor-funding formula model has been created.
  • A Residence Demand Analysis led by Scion Group was conducted in order to assess demand, students’ interests and preferences at both the North and Lakeshore residences. The goal of the analysis was to understand the relationship between space, enrollment patterns, and our administration process. Currently Humber staff administer our residences compared to most colleges that use a 3rd party service to manage their residences.

Marketing, Recruitment and Conversion (MRC) Sub-committee Update

  • The recently restructured committee met in September with renewed clarification of its strategic purpose. The committee is focused on building and monitoring an institution-level and data-driven recruitment, marketing and conversion strategy in support of objectives in the Strategic Plan.

Student Success and Retention (SSR) Sub-committee Update

  • Re-enrollment campaign – reach out to students over the summer semester who were either late in registering or were less than 9 credits from graduating.
  • Increasing Employment Opportunities for students with Disabilities: Working group to leverage best practices and some existing opportunities to benefit students.
  • SEM Student Success and Retention Action Plan – reviewing and finalizing the Year 3 deliverables.

Leveraging Financial Aid Working Group Update

The report was prepared by Corrine Johnston, Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis, and Chantal Joy, Director, Advising and Student Academic Support. The report reviewed data and best practices related to financial aid and awards and how to support student success and retention. As well the report assessed the distribution of $24.4 million to students in five categories: academic excellence, financial need, hybrid need, recruitment and work-study.

Post-strike Enrollment Update

  • Approximately 1,900 full-time student withdrawals to date, including 130 international students.
  • January 2018 – looking at re-enrolling students.
  • Fall 2018 – enhance enrollment for Fall 2018.
  • Spring Open House – April 14, 2018.

2018/2019 Planning

The enrollment planning process for 18/19 has begun. Meetings with Deans and Associate Deans are planned for the spring to update the 5-year enrollment plan.

Program Planning and Approval Process

Kelly O’Neill, Dean, Program Planning, Development and Renewal, presented the revised program planning and approval process.

  • It was noted that even though the process has been streamlined, they are looking for recommendations to make the new processes more innovative without diminishing quality and to get the programs to market sooner.
  • At present, the approval process takes approximately 7 months to get to the government stage. At this point it could take an additional year to receive approval from the government to launch the program.

Results of the Talent Maturity Assessment

Lori Diduch, Vice-President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness, and Dawn Bassant, Director, Organizational Effectiveness Human Resources, presented the results of the talent maturity assessment that will inform a formal talent strategy for Humber. This addresses our needs over the next 5-10 years in terms of identifying and attracting, aligning and deploying, developing, and retaining talent.

Professional Development Policy

Dawn Bassant, Director, Organizational Effectiveness Human Resources, provided a presentation on the proposed Graduate Award Program (GAP), including a review of our current programs.

GAP would be available to full-time administrators, faculty, and support staff and offer financial support for graduate programs leading to a discipline-specific Masters or Doctoral Degree. Proposed financial support is equal to 50% of annual tuition fee, up to a maximum of $5,000 per year for a total of 4 years and restricted to tuition only.

The next meeting of College Council will be held Thursday, January 11, 2018  at the North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website at: