College Council Highlights: May 11, 2017

Humber College Council (HCC) held its ninth meeting of the 2016-17 academic year on Thursday, May 11 at the Lakeshore Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact or

Learning Management System Quest (LMS)

E. De Courcy [Associate Vice President, Centre for Teaching and Learning], and M. Ihnat [Director, eLearning, Centre for Teaching and Learning] provided an overview of the LMS Quest.

The LMS Quest supports Humber’s strategic priority of “sustained focused on teaching and learning” by enhancing strategic investments in infrastructure and key priority initiatives that deliver results for improved student learning and success. The team is utilizing a 5-step process to evaluate and select a LMS that includes: analyzing needs, defining requirements, vetting, evaluating and selecting a product. The team is currently testing Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, and Canvas.

To increase the transparency of the project for all stakeholders, including vendors, a LMS Quest website has been created: The website includes webinar recordings, information about each platform, and an option to request a sandbox. Faculty will have the opportunity to test the LMS platforms during Showcase and there will be additional sessions in June. Schools can also arrange for the LMS team to conduct sessions specifically for them.

Accommodation Follow-up

J. McMillen [Dean of Students, Student Success and Engagement] and G. Antonacci [Associate Vice President, Academic] provided a brief overview related to the ongoing work of the Accommodations Task force and followed up on questions posed by College Council during a previous meeting.

A new faculty portal includes the most recent accommodation letters for all students. The portal is searchable by course or by student. There are also FAQs, populated by Accessible Learning Services (ALS) with answers to questions received by faculty.

The Accommodations Task Force, has representation from each School as well as the broader college community and meets regularly. There has been positive feedback regarding the embedded accessibility consultant model within the schools. (Consultants are attached to academic schools to enhance collaboration).

Humber College is a partner with OCAD University on the Rethinking Accommodation project that is exploring various approaches to accommodations.

Strategic Planning:  Constructing our Polytechnic Vision

G. Antonacci [Associate Vice President Academic] and C. Johnston [Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis] provided an update on the development of the Strategic Planning process and the work of the steering committee.

The current vision of Humber College is Leadership in polytechnic education. A polytechnic institution is defined as having the following attributes:

  • Is a type of education and a type of institution
  • Is a recognized international institutional designation
  • Is a provider of responsive, specialized and career-ready programs to provide learners with the skills that the private and public sector require – and research that moves quickly from the laboratory bench to the marketplace
  • Combines the practical approach of college and the depth of study usually associated with a university program
  • Is located in key economic regions – large institutions
  • Is a provider of pathways and multiple entry points for all types of learners
  • Where 15% of programs can be degree offerings
  • Has strong relationships between and among Industry, faculty and students

Correspondingly, certain criteria and discussion are required, including objectives and polytechnic pillars. The objectives include discussing the pillars of a polytechnic institution, describing the attributes of polytechnic education and to create a strategic vision for Humber. The polytechnic pillars include industry partnerships, comprehensive range of credentials, pathways, innovation and entrepreneurship, and applied research.

Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) – Update and Overview

B. Riach [Registrar] and G. Antonacci [Associate Vice President, Academic] are co-chairs of SEM and provided an update/overview of SEM.

SEM along with the Retention Committee is looking at initiatives and strategies to improve retention. Several programs are in place to help, including First Year Experience, outreach campaign, “early leavers” program to find out why and where students are going, and an Indigenous Education Plan—through the Aboriginal Resource Centre.

A residence analysis is underway to assess current capacity, the residence model and allocation framework. An RFP has been issued for a vendor. Work will start in fall 2017, and student feedback will play a large role. Currently, residence is staffed by Humber employees as opposed to a 3rd party model. The outcome will be shared with IGNITE.

Post-secondary Scheduling

B. Riach and G. Antonacci provided the background and changes to the upcoming fall 2018 classroom scheduling process. In December 2015, a committee was struck with B. Riach, G. Antonacci and A. Presta [Senior Director, Capital Development and Facilities Management] to look at space utilization at the College and the feasibility of increasing full-time scheduling from 55 periods per week to 71 periods per week.

Their research determined that several schools are already using this model. Periods would be scheduled Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. This allows for greater flexibility for student timetables and classroom availability.

HR will be looking at the impact on faculty and support staff.

Update on Membership/Elections and Closing Comments

R. Handler provided an update on College Council membership and elections:

Brad Herd [The Business School] will be leaving and Ionela Bacain [The Business School] will be joining Council.

The June 6th meeting is cancelled to accommodate the 50th Anniversary celebrations and the President’s BBQ being held at the North campus.

The June 5th retreat will take place at the Lakeshore campus. 


The next meeting of College Council will be held in September (TBA) at the North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website at: