Day 28: Black History is Everybody's History: Did you know?

The Count of Monte Cristo

Alexandre Dumas, author of such titles as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers was a Black man. He took the surname of his paternal grandmother, Marie-Césette Dumas, who was a woman of African descent and a slave in Saint-Domingue, which is present-day Haiti, and his grandfather was a white Frenchman, the Marquis Alexandre Antoine Davy de La Pailleterie, who owned Marie-Césette" (Morris, 2020). You can learn more about Dumas below. 

Thank​ you, Sacha Ally, for suggesting this post. Thank you all for reading these posts over the last few weeks. I will continue to post at least one per month in support of BH365. If you have Black History you would like to highlight, please email me at
