Dispute Resolution Clinic: For Humber College & University of Guelph-Humber Students

Conflict is something we face in everyday life. Whether it be in the workplace, at school, or at home, conflict is a natural part of life. However, not everyone feels comfortable or knows how to deal with conflict effectively or efficiently. To help resolve conflicts within the Humber College (Humber) & University of Guelph-Humber (UofGH) community and beyond, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Graduate Program and IGNITE Student Union jointly runs the Dispute Resolution Clinic (DRC). The volunteers that deliver the services at the DRC are students from the Alternative Dispute Resolution Graduate program who have received training in community mediation, conflict coaching, and the Humber College academic appeals process.

The DRC offers several services including conflict coaching, academic appeal support, and workshop presentations. We offer our services to all students at Humber and UofGH, as well as residents of the Etobicoke area. Furthermore, due to COVID-19, the DRC has been moved to a virtual platform to offer appointments via video conferencing. Not only has this expanded the flexibility for clients to attend appointments at their leisure, but it has opened new avenues for the DRC such as delivering virtual conflict management workshops and presentations to other programs at Humber, Uof H, and community organizations. 

The top issue we see at the DRC relates to group work disputes. Group work can be stressful, and it is sometimes unavoidable that conflicts arise between group members. To help students overcome this growing issue, our DRC volunteers created a video on how to approach group work conflict in a constructive and productive manner. The video outlines different conflict types, styles and practical techniques on how to resolve group work disputes. By offering the video as a free resource for Humber and UofGH students and the Etobicoke community, it allows them to explore options that they can apply immediately to a situation before it escalates. This video is available on the DRC booking webpage.

If clients wish to speak with a volunteer at the DRC, they are more than welcome to book an appointment.

The DRC hours are currently:

  • Monday - 9 a.m to 1 p.m.
  • Tuesday - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursday-  9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Friday - 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.

Every appointment with the DRC is completely confidential and free of charge.  

Are you struggling with a conflict and need assistance? Book an appointment with our DRC volunteers to hear your options and suggestions for resolution.

Schedule your appointment now