Dr. Paula Gouveia Wins the OCASA Distinguished Administrator Award

The LAS Admin Team is proud to announce that Dr. Paula Gouveia won the Ontario College Administrative Staff Association (OCASA) 2018 Distinguished Administrator Award.

The description of the award from the OCASA website is as follows: “The OCASA Distinguished Administrator Award recognizes administrators within an Ontario college who have demonstrated distinguished administrative performance within their college or region demonstrating the following: outstanding leadership (Innovations, vision, enterprise, impact, and involvement) and excellence of performance (team involvement, achievements, beyond job expectations, and recognition by others).”

We would like to formally thank and acknowledge Paula for her dedication, innovative approaches and the positive team environment she has nurtured in LAS and at Humber. This award embodies academic leadership in the Ontario postsecondary system and fills the Humber community with pride.

Congratulations, Paula!!