An Efficient Way to Aid International Students with Frequently Asked Questions

At the start of each term, there is an influx of international students inquiring about proper registration protocols. The International Centre has a dynamic student service to assist inquiring international students through Q&A webchats hosted by the International Customer Service Advisor team (ICSA).

There, students can join a live session on Microsoft Teams every weekday from Monday through Friday in a 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. time slot. The two time slots provide the students who reside in different time zones the opportunity to pick which session works best for them.

This platform gives students the opportunity to get answers to questions like how to find academic support, how to register for courses, why they have study permit holds, or whether their program is registration block-based or course-based.

Live Q&A Webchat Schedule

If students are unable to attend a live session they can always send an inquiry through the contact form. Please feel free to share this information with your Faculty and/or department.