Fall 2021 Update: Guidelines for Guests, Events, and Temporary Use of Space

As we continue to prioritize the health and well-being of Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber employees and students, some changes have been made to the guidelines and requirements to hold events and have guests on campus.

Here are the guidelines for guests, events, and temporary use of space for the Fall 2021 term.


  • In-person meeting 
    • An in-person meeting is for the purpose of conducting/discussing Humber business.  
  • Event 
    • An event is a gathering for social or celebratory purposes.


  • No events, either internal or external, will take place at any Humber campus or location until at least November 1, 2021. 
  • For purposes of these guidelines, an example of a Humber-specific event would be Faculty awards-nights   
  • Inviting guests to campus should be limited. This may include a guest speaker for a class or an external visitor for a meeting. 
  • Individuals attending an in-person meeting must follow screening and campus entry protocols as outlined below. 


  • Virtual meetings are preferred and encouraged wherever and whenever possible.
    *No food/drinks should be served in the same space as the meeting.  
  • Physical distancing must be maintained during the meeting. 
  • Masks must be worn by all participants during the meeting.  
  • No formal process or forms are required to secure space for in-person internal meetings. 

*If food/drink is required, it is to be served in a separate space adhering to health and safety requirements. 

Guests on campus for academic purposes or meetings 

  • Please note that if you plan to have visitors come to campus/class, you will be responsible for ensuring that they are aware of and comply with Humber’s vaccination policy and all current provincial COVID-19 regulations.  
  • All visitors must be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 test result taken no more than 72 hours prior to their arrival on campus.  
  • Visitors will need to download the Humber Guardian App to their phone and complete the daily screening, and provide proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test results, along with photo ID. They will need to show the result of their screening on the app to security guards to access campus. 
  • The organizer of the meeting is responsible for ensuring that all guests are aware of and in compliance with the policy.  
  • Physical distancing must be maintained during the meeting/academic activity. 
  • Masks must be worn by all participants during the meeting/academic activity. 
  • No special forms or notifications are required, other than potential parking arrangements for the guest(s)

Guests on site to rent space or to provide services to students  

  • Attendees on site to rent space or provide services to students will need to complete a Letter of Agreement (PDF attached to this posting) prior to completing the Temporary Use of Space (TUS) application. Attendees renting space must sign and agree to the terms of LOA in order to complete the TUS form. Examples of providing services to students could include selling books, tools, baking or other supplies to students for academic purposes.  
  • The Humber or Guelph-Humber representative who has the relationship with the guest will provide the guest with the LOA and have the guest return it to them. Upon receipt of the completed and signed form, the form is to be sent to Sara Chalmers, manager, Legal, Risk and Privacy at sara.chalmers@humber.ca for record keeping.  
  • Upon completion and agreeing to the terms of the LOA, guests can then download, complete and submit the TUS application form
  • If the activity is approved:
    • physical distancing must be maintained at all times, and
    • masks must be worn at all times.

Contract Workers

  • The Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness team has provided guidance on managing relationships with contractors to Managers.

For internal events on campus, email schedulingrooms@humber.ca.
For external events on campus, email hcs@humber.ca
For internal events on campus at the University of Guelph-Humber, email info.officer@guelphhumber.ca.