Harley Valentine - Dream Ballet Sculptures Unveiled Downtown Toronto

Humber Galleries is proud to announce that Harley Valentine, one of Humber’s Art Collection artists, has just unveiled his public sculpture "Dream Ballet".  This public artwork can be seen at the southeast corner of Yonge and Front Sts. As well you can see his sculpture, Persephone, on campus at the entrance to the L Commons building, Lakeshore campus. As well you can hear the artist talk about the work in this video: https://vimeo.com/194860683 He was recently featured in a Toronto Star article about Dream Ballet: thestar.com/news/gta/2016/12/03/architect-harley-valentines-new-dream-ballet-sculptures.html For further information about the artist and their work in our collection please visit our collection website: humbergalleries.ca/collection/people/102/harley-valentine Ashley Watson Curator, Humber Galleries