Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy & Privacy and Confidentiality

Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy outlines the College’s commitment to providing a learning, working and living environment that is free from harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.

Below are highlights from Section 2 of the Policy outlining Humber’s commitment to privacy and confidentiality.

  • All members of the Humber Community are provided with legal rights to privacy under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA"), which includes the protection of information relating to an individual's gender identity or expression. As such, the trans* status of all members of the Humber Community must be kept confidential, except as permitted or required under the FIPPA.
  • Grounds upon which the trans* status of a member of the Humber Community may be disclosed are set out in the FIPPA and include the following:
    • The trans* individual has directly given the discloser explicit and documented permission to disclose the trans* person's gender identity.
    • The disclosure is made to an employee or agent of the College on a "need to know" basis for the purpose of enabling the employee or agent to carry out his/her duties (e.g. to fulfill a specific accommodation request, to allow for the provision of serious medical attention that attends to or prevents impending and significant harm, issuing of payroll or benefits, etcetera).

To view the section on Privacy and Confidentiality in Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy please visit:

Trans*: An umbrella term used to describe individuals who, to varying degrees, do not conform to what society usually defines as a man or a woman. This term captures the descriptor, “transgender”, which refers to individuals whose gender identity is different from their biological sex assigned at birth, and/or whose gender expression is different from the way males or females are stereotypically expected to look or behave. Individuals who identify as trans* may do so because they self-identify as a person who is any one or more of the following: androgynous; bigender; a cross-dresser; gender diverse; gender fluid; gender non-conforming; genderqueer; gender-transitioning; gender-variant; intersex; pangender; queer; a transman; a transwoman; two-spirit, etcetera.