Humber 50th Anniversary e-signature

Happy New Year!  It’s time to replace your holiday e-signature greeting, so we are asking the entire Humber community to help commemorate our 50th Anniversary by using this Outlook e-signature graphic.

[right-click on the graphic to copy and paste]

To add the Humber 50th Anniversary graphic to your e-signature in Outlook:

  • Click New E-mail
  • Click Signature tab and select ‘Signatures’
  • Delete the Holiday greeting e-signature (if applicable)
  • Copy and paste the 50th Anniversary e-signature graphic below your name and contact information that is currently in your e-signature
  • Click OK

Humber’s brand site also has the 50th Anniversary e-signature graphic posted for future reference.

If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing and Communications Office at

Best wishes for 2017!