Humber and UofGH Students Elect New IGNITE Executives

After weeks of campaigning and voting, the IGNITE Elections have come to a close and we are happy to announce the new executive team for the 2019/2020 school year. The student leaders that will be representing the organization and advocating for student rights next year across Humber and University of Guelph-Humber are as follows:

Executive Team

President – Monica Khosla 

Vice-President, North – Simran 

Vice-President, Lakeshore – Ryan Stafford

Vice-President, University of Guelph-Humber – Megan Roopnarine 

Board of Directors

Board of Directors, North:
Dishant Passi 
Eden Tavares 
Neto Naniwambote 
Shawayne Dunstan 

Board of Directors, Lakeshore:
Camila Ruiz Tacha 
Stephanie Fallico 
Asiya Bashir Awan 

Board of Directors, University of Guelph-Humber:
Erika Caldwell
Julia Ciampa

Board of Director, Orangeville:
Nav Sidhu 

7811 Humber and UofGH students voted using in-person and online polling stations. This represents 24.49% of the student population.

You can view the full election results on the IGNITE website by following this link.