Humber Press launches NEXTcast

Humber Press, with help from the Creative Productions team at Humber’s Centre for Teaching & Learning, has created a new podcast called NEXTcast.

NEXTcast is – like NEXT magazine – all about teaching and learning at Humber College. Every episode, we talk to faculty and staff about new teaching ideas and practices, and about some of the great initiatives and innovations that are happening here, inside and outside the classroom.

In the first episode, Humber Press editor Nathan Whitlock talks to Dr. Heidi Marsh, Humber’s Director of Scholarship for Teaching & Learning, about the ways faculty can improve their teaching through research. (They also talk a bit about orangutans.)

Listen on Soundcloud, or search for “Humber NEXTcast” on iTunes and subscribe. And be sure to leave a comment or a review to let us know what you think.

You can also suggest a future NEXTcast topic by emailing Humber Press at Send us your ideas!

The next episode of NEXTcast will go live on September 25.