Introducing Copilot: Your New AI Chat Assistant

We are excited to introduce you to Copilot (formerly Bing Chat Enterprise), Humber’s AI chat solution that will make your workday easier and more productive. We want you to use it as a tool to be more creative and productive while also protecting Humber’s privacy and data. To learn more, please review the general statement on Using Generative AI tools at work.

Why are we adopting Copilot?

Copilot is just like ChatGPT, but it has commercial data protection from Microsoft and offers responses based on up-to-date information. Copilot is not just an AI search engine, but it is also a conversational companion that can understand your context, follow up with you, and provide sources for every answer. To get the best results, you need to ask effective questions that are specific, detailed, and full sentences. You should also state the tone, purpose, and preferred format of your query.

Some of the tasks that you can do with Copilot are:

  • Generate new ideas
  • Improve your writing
  • Experimenting with AI image and art creativity using prompts
  • Learning new things quickly
  • Summarizing a long article or paragraphs

To see examples on how you can use Copilot for the above tasks, please check out our tip sheet attached.

Here’s three steps on how you can access Copilot:

  1. Visit using any browser. If you are using the Microsoft Edge browser, simply access it via the Edge sidebar by clicking the Copilot icon located in the top right corner.
  2. Ensure you’re signed in with your work account using the format
  3. You will know you have successfully signed in with your work account when you see the protected green icon next to your credentials in the top right corner of your screen. This gives you access to the Copilot with commercial data protection. Green colour protected label

Additional resources

To read more about Copilot, we invite you to review the attached FAQ guide and Best Practice Guide. These documents outline frequently asked questions and how to use the tool safely and responsibly at Humber.

Wondering where to start? Try asking Copilot questions like “What can you do?”, “Can you help me with X”, “What are your limitations?”. Copilot will let you know if there’s something it cannot answer. To learn more, visit Copilot from Microsoft.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. Your questions and feedback are very important to us, as they help us improve Humber’s experience using AI and tailor our training based on your needs. We hope you will enjoy using Copilot and discover new ways to enhance your work and learning.