Join the Ontario College Administrative Staff Association (OCASA)!

Join a vibrant network of College Administrators and make valuable connections, access leadership and professional development resources and find ongoing support.

OCASA is a professional association/network for Ontario College Administrators. The association provides training and professional development for administrators. It also provides system orientation, cross-college mentoring, online learning and webinars, an annual professional development conference, a professional journal and a network of professionals committed to college success.

Visit to join! New members who join today and enjoy your first year free!


All administrators employed in Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology or Institutes of Technology and Advanced Learning are eligible to join OCASA, including part-time, contract and full-time administrative staff. There is NO minimum length of service for membership. College presidents are not eligible to join OCASA.

Member Benefits

College Leadership Network - OCASA members are leaders in their colleges and in the province. They are passionate, innovative and committed. Tap into college experience through a professional network of college leaders.

Mentoring Matters - Gain personal and professional growth through a learning partnership.

Member Services - Get full access to website providing up-to-date information, resources and discussion forums. Members receive timely and pertinent updates on emerging issues

Free Webinars Series - Gain access to leadership and professional development webinars.

Professional Development - Members pay a reduced fee for online courses and registration to the annual Leaders & Innovators Conference.

2 hours Free Legal Services - Access to legal services, with 2 hours free billing time per issue for employment related matters

Professional Recognition - Recognition awards & study bursaries

Representation on Interests For your Future - CAAT Pension Plan Board of Trustees; CAAT Pension Plan Sponsors’ Committee; Insured Benefits Sub-Committee; Administrative Consultative Committee (members include The Council, Colleges Ontario, Committee of Presidents, HRCC and OCASA)

College Administrator Magazine - College Administrator is OCASA’S semi-annual professional journal for College Administrators. Feature articles focus on issues and news items relevant to college administration and education.

For more information, please contact OCASA:

Phone: 1-866-742-5429
Fax: 1-866-742-5430