Mandatory COVID-19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees - Reminder

Following the latest public health and government recommendations, Humber has put in place a range of measures to help ensure health and safety on campus. One of those measures is mandatory training for employees. 

All employees were to complete the COVID-19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees before they physically returned to campus, or by September 15, 2020, whichever came first. If you have not yet completed the training, please do so as soon as possible. The training covers the risks of COVID-19, methods of transmission, on campus safety measures, and more.

The mandatory employee training is available on Blackboard and the instructions for accessing the training are below. If you do not have access to Blackboard, please contact Occupational Health and Safety at to make alternate arrangements. The training should take approximately one hour to complete.

If you have questions about the training or if you have concerns about health and safety, please contact your manager.

COVID-19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees

To access the training on Blackboard:

  1. Go to and log in with your Humber credentials (single sign-on).
  2. On the main page under the “My Courses” Column, click on the “Employee COVID-19 Awareness Training” link.
  3. Click on “Learning Materials” on the sidebar.
    1. If the sidebar is hidden, hover the cursor over the left side margin until the “Show Course Menu” arrow appears, and click on the arrow.
  4. Click on either the image or the”COVID19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees” link above the image.
    1. If popups are blocked, click on the enable popups button or link within the popup blocked notification.

General notes:

  1. The course will be available starting August 24, 2020. Employees are required to complete the training prior to returning to campus for the fall or by September 15, 2020, whichever comes first.
  2. The training takes approximately one hour to complete. We strongly recommend that it be completed in one sitting.
  3. Recommended Browsers are the more current versions of:
    1. PCs - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chrome-based), Mozilla Firefox
    2. Macs – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 

Check your browser compatibility at:  

  1. For technical issues, or if an employee does not have access to Blackboard, please contact for alternate options.