Multifaith Calendar - February 2017

HUMBER INTERFAITH CALENDAR MULTIFAITH HOLY DAYS & FESTIVALS FEBRUARY 2017: CALENDAR & DESCRIPTIONS    In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive. Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at x4427 or for due consideration. Note: Resources used include Multicultural Calendar of Creative Cultural Communications and various other public sources. 01 Wednesday: World Interfaith Harmony Week to February 07 (UN) Proclaimed in Oct-Nov 2010 and started in Feb 2011 to promote interfaith dialogue and a culture and climate of peace. February = Mkwa Geezis / Buxwlaks (Aboriginal) Mkwa Geezis is the time of the Bear Moon when the Bear turns in her den to block the doorway to the winter lodge; a time of renewal and new beginnings (Ojibwe). Buxwlaks is a season of blowing needles when the wind shakes loose the foliage of frozen evergreens and a New Year approaches (Other). Iroquois Midwinter Ceremony / Hopi Holy Cycle (Aboriginal) Occurs in January & February. In the Iroquois Ceremony, various communities each have 8-day celebrations with each day commemorating an event. In the Hopi Cycle, various communities each hold Buffalo dances on tribal reserves. Black History Month (Canada) Recognized by the Parliament of Canada in 1995 after a motion by Jean Asugustine, the first black woman elected as a parliamentarian. The presence of peoples of  African descent predate the explorations of Sameul de Champlain in the early 1600s. Vasant Panchami (Hinduism) Celebrated particularly in North India and one of many spring festivals, this celebration is associated with Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, and with Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth (celebrations may vary by community). 02 Thursday Imbolc (Wicca) Also called Imbolg, Candlemas, Brigantia, The Feast of the Waxing Light, and Oimelc, this day celebrates the increasing strength of the God as the first and greatest gift of the Goddess and honours the Goddess as the source of fire, poetry, arts, crafts, agriculture and smithing and to reflect on the generative power of the gods for later material and spiritual harvests. Candlemas Day (Christianity) Marks the baby Jesus being presented in the Temple 40 days after his birth. Groundhog Day (Canada) A folk tradition in which, if a groundhog sees its shadow after coming out of its hole, there is to be 6 more weeks of winter. 03 Thursday Setsubun-sai (Shinto) A family time, also called the Bean-throwing Festival, to mark winter’s end   and the beginning of spring by the ancient East Asian solar calendar known in Japan. Beans are thrown into each room of the house, and then through the outer doors, with the shout, “Devils out, Fortune in!” 07 Tuesday Mulk (Baha’i) Mulk, meaning Dominion, is the 18th month of the Baha’i year. 11 Saturday Full Moon The moon is at its greatest visibility. Lunar Eclipse (Continental) The moon’s light is blocked by the earth. Tu B'Shevat or Arbour Day (Judaism) The 15th of the month of Shevat celebrates Judaism’s connection with nature as the new year's day for trees and the first of the year tradition of tithing the fruit of trees. The day can involve environmental actions like tree planting plus special meals including the 7 fruits of the land from Deuteronomy 8:8 (barley, dates, figs, grapes, olives, pomegranates, wheat), each representing a spiritual idea. 14 Tuesday Valentine’s Day (Christianity-Western) Includes various stories of martyrdom but mainly one of a priest named Valentine put to death in 269 A.D. for secretly marrying couples prior to Lupercalia, a fertility festival, against the orders of the Roman Emperor. 15 Wednesday National Flag Day (Canada) Commemorates the Canadian flag with a red maple leaf on a white background and 2 red bars, flown since 1965. 20 Monday Family Day (Canada) A day marking the importance of families is recognized in some provinces, including Ontario. Louis Riel Day (Aboriginal-Canada) Recognizes the Metis leader who fought against the loss of Metis lands to settlers. 24 Friday Mahashivratri (Hinduism) The night before the feast, Hindus recite texts, sing and tell stories to honour Shiva, whose dynamic cosmic dance creates, preserves, destroys and recreates the world. 26 Saturday New Moon The moon is at its least visibility. Solar Eclipse (Continental) The sun’s light is blocked by the moon except around it’s edges. Intercalary Days (Baha’i) to March 01 Resets the Baha’i calendar with the solar calendar accompanied by gift exchanges, public sharing of faith activities and celebrations. 27 Monday Clean Monday / Great Lent to Apr 07 (Christianity-Eastern) The first day of the Great Fast (Great Lent) in the final 6 week (40 day) period leading up to Holy Week and Pascha or Passover. 28 Tuesday Shrove Tuesday (Christianity-Western) The day prior to Lent that focuses on one seeking forgiveness and forgiving others.