New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra

Please note this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below:

Gradebook List View

Gradable items can now be sorted by grading status from the list view of the Gradebook. The grade post status also now has a dedicated column. Students can sort their Gradebook to locate items by due date and status to view items more efficiently.

Student Progress Tracking: Visibility Filters

Instructors can now change the Student Progress view using the content availability filter to see how a student is progressing (i.e. completed and outstanding tasks) against items on the Course Content page. Viewing with the “visible to students” filter will display items that are only visible to the student, and selecting the “All” filter will display the entire Course Content page.


Instructors can now exempt students from assessments by clicking on the ellipsis menu of a student from the submission list view, or the ellipsis menu of the item from the student detail view. When the item is exempted, a student’s overall grade calculation will be adjusted.

Extra Credit Questions in Assessments 

Instructors can now assign extra credit question(s) in an assessment by clicking the extra credit checkbox when creating the question(s). For extra credit questions, correct answers will be added to the total points earned and incorrect answers will not be penalized. Students can filter the assessment to identify extra credit questions and see the total amount of extra credit available.

Show Course Group Members 

From the Course Groups page, instructors and students can now click on ‘Show Members’ to view group members. Students can only see the groups and members where they have memberships.

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