New Episode: Alumni Interview and Coffee Chats - April 2022

Advising & Career Services’ online Alumni Interviews and Coffee Chats will be continuing in 2022 with brand new guests. Please feel free to share widely with your student and alumni networks, as our content contains helpful insights from a wide variety of Humber staff and alumni to support students with navigating their career journeys.

This month's episode of Advising & Career Services' Coffee Chat Session is now live on YouTube.

Our guest is from the Intearnationl Graduate School team: Diane Simpson, Principal, Humber International Graduate School; Vjola Konomi, IGS learning engagement facilitator; Rina Di Mito, Manager Industry and Community Connector Hub (ICHub) and Kim Morrison, Career Planner,

Please visit our website for full details, and to access all of our past interviews and content. For any questions or concerns, please e-mail