New Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Resources

In collaboration with Program Planning, Development and Renewal, the Office of the Registrar, and the Recognition of Prior Learning - Strategic Enrolment Management committee, we are pleased to present a series of resources to Humber faculty and staff that support student mobility. Recognizing prior learning that is undertaken formally and informally increases student access to higher education by facilitating mobility between Humber’s various credential levels, as well as with other postsecondary institutions. When possible, Humber will maximize a student’s ability to satisfy program requirements through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), which includes the following three components:  

  • Transfer Credit - the granting of credit for coursework undertaken within another program or recognized institution  
  • Pathways - established academic routes in which students move from one program to another in a seamless fashion. Graduates may have their previous program learning recognized for block transfer into advanced semesters of the receiving program.  
  • Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) - a process that allows individuals to identify, document, have assessed and gain recognition for prior learning. The learning may be formal, informal, or experiential.  

For more information on RPL, visit

The following faculty and staff resources can be accessed on the Program Planning, Development and Renewal website under the Recognition of Prior Learning - Essential Files section. You must log in with your Humber credentials to access these documents. 

  1. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Guide - an essential resource that provides detailed information on RPL including resources and step-by-step guides. 
  2. Academic Pathway Proposal Form - assists in tracking the development of the pathway and encourages greater planning during the development process. 
  3. Block Transfer Schedule of Study - used to create or revise a block transfer schedule of study into diplomas or degrees. 
  4. Assessing Courses for Transfer Credit Guide - a short guide for faculty and staff when assessing transfer credits. 
  5. Gap Analysis Tool – a resource to assess programs and create new block transfers. 

For any questions, please contact Melinda Kao at or Judy Tavares at