New Service Delivery Model

New Service Delivery Model - Human Resources Compensation, Benefits & Pension Team

In keeping with the Human Resources Department value of continuous improvement and customer service, the Compensation, Benefits & Pension Team is introducing a new service delivery model for employees effective January 3, 2017.

What is changing?

We currently have one HR subject matter expert for each area (pension, compensation and benefits) and you meet with each expert separately to discuss your issue.

Effective January 3, 2017, the new service delivery model will provide you with a designated Compensation & Benefits Specialist who will be an expert on all your pension, compensation, and benefits issues.  (see chart below).

Compensation and Benefits Specialist Extension E-mail Address

Customer Group (first initial of last name)

Hannah Song 4023 A – F   (FT staff)
Sherry Fast 5089 G – M   (FT staff)
Sylvana Galati 5682 N – Z   (FT staff)
Nathan Tysdal 4619 All Partial Load and Part Time Contract Staff

Our core services remain the same, but you will be able to discuss your pension and benefits with one HR Specialist at the same time. (Adding or removing dependants on your benefit plan; changing a beneficiary; retirement paperwork; maternity or parental leave; pension enrolment; vacation plan inquiries)

How does this affect you?

  • You will now have a designated Compensation and Benefits Specialist for all your compensation, benefits and CAAT pension inquiries.
  • Your Compensation and Benefits Specialist will be knowledgeable and able to assist you on all your compensation, benefits, and pension inquiries.
  • When your designated Compensation and Benefits Specialist is on vacation another Specialist will be able to assist you; you will not have to wait for your Specialist to return from vacation.

If you need assistance with pension or benefits, simply contact your designated Compensation and Benefits Specialist.  

Please feel free to e-mail me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Dawn Stinson
Manager, Compensation & Benefits