Ontario Pork - Research Projects

Ontario Pork is pleased to announce a call for Letters of Intent (LOI) for swine research projects that focus on the Ontario swine industry. Ontario Pork recently completed a review of their research priorities and shifted focus from a priorities list to the overarching research objective: “Test potential improvements to swine industry practices”.

All research projects that align with this overarching objective will be considered, including, but not limited to, swine health, swine welfare, swine nutrition, swine husbandry, swine reproduction, barn design and management, employee health and safety, meat quality and safety, marketing and consumer trends and environmental and economic sustainability. Highest priority is given to projects that demonstrate scientific merit as well as strong identification of the benefit of project results to Ontario pork producers and indication of input or support of a project from swine industry members outside of academia. Specific details on what is expected can be found in the Outline for completion of the Ontario Pork LOI.

Letters of intent should be completed electronically through the Livestock Research and Innovation Corporation’s website: ontariopork.on.ca/Research/Call-for-Proposals

Timelines for the 2018 spring call for research:

September 4-5, 2018 Researchers notified of the OP call for research and the LOIs become accessible on the LRIC system.
October 25, 2018 LOI due by 4:30 p.m. on this date
Week of December 17, 2018 Researchers notified of LOI outcome
January 24, 2019 Full proposal due by 4:30 p.m. on this date for selected LOIs
Week of March 4, 2019 Researcher notified of full proposal outcome

Please direct any questions pertaining to the research funding process of Ontario Pork to Kathy Zurbrigg by email at kathy.zurbrigg@ontariopork.on.ca or by phone at 519.767.4600 x1208. Questions regarding the LRIC application system should be directed to Jean Howden at jhowden@livestockresearch.ca.

If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact Crystal Williams at crystal.williams@humber.ca.