Part-Time Teachers' Conference - Call for Proposals

Part-Time Teachers' Conference 2022. Call for Proposals is now open. Deadline for submissions is February 21.

Call for Proposals

On March 25 and 26, 2022, Humber College will host our annual Part-Time Teachers’ Conference. This virtual conference is for part-time faculty in Ontario colleges.

There is no cost to attend this event.

Proposals are being accepted for March 26 presentations. Please indicate whether your session is 60 or 90 minutes in duration.

Given the broad-reaching impacts of the pandemic, the theme of this year’s conference is: “Perspectives: What We’ve Learned.”

Together, we will explore different ways that the pandemic has impacted individuals and communities and reflect on key lessons learned. The conference theme encourages presenters to reflect on our individual and collective response to adapting teaching practices, methodologies and priorities since the start of the pandemic.

Presenters are encouraged to share experiences with their peers on key insights they have had in teaching and learning, and share strategies on ways they have created authentic and meaningful learning experiences for all learners.

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • relevance of proposal to the conference theme
  • topic related to current practices in teaching and learning
  • clarity of session objectives
  • clear plan on how attendees will be engaged
  • overall clarity of proposal

Want to submit a proposal?

Presentations should be engaging and interactive. Those selected will be notified by March 1 and sessions will be highlighted in the conference program and website.

Want to attend?

Save the date and visit the conference website for latest information. Registration opens March 14.