Plastic Water Bottle Collection Continues into the Fall

The Office of Sustainability continues to need your help.

Over the summer, we created an art installation to raise awareness about the impact of single-serve bottled water consumption. The artwork will soon be displayed in front of Gourment Express and we are asking YOU to help it grow. 

We have already collected more than 600 empty bottles, but would like the community to help us to grow our installation by donating single-serve empty bottled water containers of 1L or less.

If you have a plastic bottle that will soon be discarded, please consider dropping it at one of the many collection locations listed below. While we always encourage sustainable choices, this term we are encouraging you to bring in empties. This is a judgment-free zone! 

Please help us by donating empty single-serving bottled water containers throughout the Fall semester at the locations listed below:

North Campus

  • Gourmet Express
  • HRT Office, B105
  • Capital Development & Facilities Management Office, D134
  • Athletics Weight Room

Lakeshore Campus

  • Principal's Office, WEL 302
  • Registrar's Office, WEL 106
  • Athletics Building (just beyond the main entrance) 

Thank you,

The Office of Sustainability