PWC Students Available for Summer Work Placements

Professional Writing and Communications (PWC) graduate certificate students are available for work in full-time writing and communications roles this summer, from May to the end of July, for their work placement.  

Third-semester PWC students are able to create content suitable for diverse audiences and purposes using advanced linguistic and rhetorical skills and are prepared to produce work individually or in collaboration.  

The work-integrated learning experience should allow students to:

  • demonstrate proficiency in adhering to professional writing best practices,  
  • collaborate with others in a professional setting,  
  • show responsiveness to business and organizational procedures and protocols, 
  • apply core communications strategies and skills, and
  • show time-management skills by completing assigned tasks in a timely and professional manner. 

For more information about hosting a PWC work placement, please contact Alannah Metherel at x73482 or