Sexual Violence Policy, Sexual Violence Employee Procedures, and Sexual Violence Online Training Update

Humber’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy (SASV) and Procedures were approved in December 2016 based on a directive from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The leading practice is to review such policies every three to five years. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion worked alongside Student Success & Engagement and the Sexual Violence Committee to review and update the policy and procedures. In 2021/2022, as a result of extensive consultations throughout Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber, the name of the policy was changed from SASV to the Sexual Violence Policy (SV Policy).

Feedback from an external law firm and the Humber community were solicited and taken into account in the finalized version of the Sexual Violence Policy and procedures. Specific updates include an amnesty clause, removal of irrelevant questions, a mechanism to review interim measures for both students and employees, student complainants’ right to appeal in the case of sexual violence and clear reference to student employees.

The online Sexual Violence training for employees has been updated and is available to all employees. To access the training module please follow these instructions: go to and login (use your Humber username and password). Click on the course title, "Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Awareness Training for Employees 2022" and complete the training.

You can print a certificate at the end of the training. Please plan to dedicate approximately 45 minutes to completing the module. All employees are required to complete the updated training.

Please contact if you require any additional information.

We look forward to your support in ensuring Humber’s commitment to ending sexual violence.


1) Request Access to SASV Awareness Training 2022

If you do not currently have the “Sexual Assault Sexual Violence Awareness Training for Employees 2022” in your Blackboard. Please complete this form to request the training be added.

2) Certificates:
Screenshots of certificates of completion can be emailed to Kindly keep a copy of the certificate for your records, should your faculty/department request it from you at a later time. Please note that your completion of the training module is only registered in the system once a certificate is generated. Until a certificate is generated, your completion status will remain as "Incomplete".

3) Technical Issues:
From time to time there are employees that have challenges accessing the training. Usually these are compatibility issues related to the computer being used. The issues can normally be resolved simply by ensuring you are using Google Chrome to access the training and/or accessing the training from a different computer than you originally attempted from.

4) Compensation:
Questions pertaining to compensation for non-full time faculty can be directed to administration within your respective Faculty.

5) Obtaining your Certificate
Instructions for obtaining your certificate are available in the final section of the training once you have completed all other elements of the training.

Deep thanks to Hamza Ibrahimi, Darren Richards, Heather Lowry, Jesse Agar, Kathy Kim, Naveed Aqeel, Ali Akhbar Khan, Morris Beckford, Errol Cyrus, Kennisha Archer, Kathryn Edgett, Sacha Ally, and Patricia Suleiman for their continued commitment to human rights, equity & inclusion at Humber. 

Live inclusively,

Nancy Simms M.A. ADR
Pronouns: She/Her
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion