Showcase 2018 - Call for Proposals

(Call for proposals has been extended until May 9, 2018 at midnight)

Welcome to Showcase 2018! This year’s theme is Pulse, reflecting the energy and dynamic environment of the Humber community. This inspiring event will showcase the work of Humber staff and faculty who every day in their work stay #onthepulse of what is new and innovative in post-secondary education. The pulse of Humber reflects our commitment to learning, innovation and student success.

Proposals are now open! We are accepting proposals from April 16 to May 9, 2018. Submit your workshop, marketplace or poster proposal to

A workshop is a 30 or 60 minute session to share ideas with your colleagues at Humber. Examples of workshops have included: new initiatives, research, an innovative teaching and learning practice or strategy, your area of expertise, emerging trends etc. Your workshop should be interactive whenever possible.

Marketplace Exchange can best be described as a fair, where different schools and departments showcase what they do and how they support the Humber community both internally and externally. Marketplace exhibitors can highlight recent, current or future Humber projects, initiatives or research. Marketplace is a great opportunity to bring the Humber community together for conversation, sharing and networking.

A research poster summarizes a research project using text and graphs/tables/pictures on a large sheet of paper. The poster is shared during a poster session, where researchers and interested attendees chat informally about the projects. It is a great chance to spread the word about research you are doing and to get feedback and ideas about your project.

Visit our website for more details