Showcase 2022 - Call for Proposals Now Open

Showcase Call for Proposals NOW OPEN

We invite proposals that both celebrate and investigate the many dimensions of this year’s Showcase theme, GATHER. Please submit a proposal for Workshops, Exhibits, and/or Sharing Circles.  


  1. come together; assemble or accumulate 
  2. bring together and take in from scattered places or sources 

Join us at this year’s Showcase, the place where our Humber community can GATHER as one to explore the learning successes we have achieved over the past academic year. On June 9th, we will gather both virtually and in person across three locations — North Campus, Lakeshore Campus, and the new International Graduate School — to share our stories so we can further adapt and transform higher education at Humber. As we continue to cultivate new ways of communicating and connecting, it is essential that we take time to commune: Together, let’s spark new collaborations and innovations as we support each other — and our students — on our unique and transformational journeys.  

A Workshop is a 60-minute session designed for you to share a component of your teaching practice that led to optimal learner engagement and experiences.  

Your goal will be to lead your colleagues in the exploration of the processes and to inspire them to use your experience as a guide for their innovation. Examples of workshops could include innovative teaching and learning practices, interdisciplinary projects, and areas of expertise. Your workshop should be interactive and connected to Gathering our best practices, and our experiences of innovation and inspiration. 

The Exhibit Centre will run through the lunch hour and gives Faculties and Departments the opportunity to showcase what they do and how they support the greater Humber community. 

This year, it will be hosted virtually. Exhibitors can highlight recent, current, or future Humber projects, or initiatives. This is a great opportunity to bring the Humber community together for conversation, sharing and networking. 

Sharing Circle
A Sharing Circle is a respectful place for listening, learning, and sharing. Each member has an opportunity to share their experiences and one person speaks at a time with no interruptions. The circle is all inclusive and for that reason everyone’s voice is listened to and respected.  

Sharing Circles will be 60 minutes in length and will have a maximum number of virtual and in-person members. Sharing circles have a theme or issue and one member will facilitate. Each facilitator will have the opportunity to meet with a member of the Indigenous Education & Engagement team to learn the full protocol and best practices for sharing circles. Examples of topics could include Gathering stories of wellness, stories of our success, stories of our challenges, or experiences that would resonate with other faculty. 

Additional resources: Talking Circle: Fact Sheet, Talking Together

Deadline to submit a proposal: Tuesday, May 24

Showcase Committee
Twitter Handle: @HumberShowcase | #GatherHumber2022