SSE Staffing Announcement

Hello everyone,

We wanted to reach out to share some exciting movements within the SSE Leadership team. 

Student Learning Services

  • Nafeeza Kadir – Manager, Student Learning Services – will be starting her parental leave on February 25th, welcoming a new member into her family.
  • Dimple Rai will be returning from parental leave on April 4th. At this time, Dimple will move into the role of Interim Manager, Student Learning Services for the duration of Nafeeza’s leave (October 2023).
  • In the interim period (February 28 – April 1), Shaun Carson – Associate Director, Student Life and Learning – will support the Student Learning Services team.

Advising and Career Services

  • Phil Legate, who has been serving as Interim Manager, Advising and Career Services will remain in this role for the duration of Dimple’s assignment (October 2023).

Residence Life

  • Tuba Chishti, who has been serving as Interim Manager, Residence Life, will similarly continue in this role for the duration of Phil’s assignment (October 2023).

Please join us in wishing Nafeeza well as she begins her leave, welcoming Dimple back to the team, and continued success for Phil and Tuba in their interim appointments.