Streaming Video Server Update

Ensemble Video was launched in Fall 2016 as a proof-of-concept initiative. We are excited to announce that as a result of the initiative’s success, a permanent streaming media solution has been chosen through a RFP process.

For Ensemble Users

  • The Ensemble Video platform will no longer function after June 30, 2018. Videos uploaded to Ensemble will no longer be viewable by you or your students after June.
  • You will receive an e-mail with information regarding content migration. This e-mail will include information on how to retrieve the content you’ve uploaded to Ensemble Video.
  • At this point, the existing platform cannot accommodate any new video uploads, as we have reached our storage capacity. E-mail Darren or Lisa if you need an interim solution.

Stayed tuned for further updates regarding the timeline for the launch of the new streaming platform. For more information, please feel free to contact:

Darren Richards
Manager, Creative Productions
Lisa DiBarbora
Systems Librarian, Humber Libraries