Sustainability Spotlight – Fairtrade Products Available on Campus

Did you know that Humber College is the first college campus in Ontario to have multiple campuses Fair Trade designated?

What is Fairtrade?

Fair Trade is a movement and a network of non-profit organizations that endeavors to improve the livelihoods of agricultural producers in developing countries by ensuring that producers receive a fair price for their products. These organizations set standards for Fairtrade Certified products, which are certified as being produced according to these standards. 

How can you get involved?

By advocating for Fairtrade products, we are collectively demonstrating support for small-scale farmers and their livelihoods, and standing by our commitment to make Humber College the healthiest campus in Canada. In order to support this movement, you can:

  • Make the purchase of Fairtrade products on campus and in the community a priority (check out the Green Features map to view all Fairtrade outlets on campus!)
  • Display your support of Fair Trade by wearing a pin or sticker endorsing Fair Trade
  • Stay up to date with the Fair Trade movement on campus by following the Office of Sustainability’s social media accounts: @SustainHumber
  • Learn more by visiting Fairtrade Canada’s website

Interested in learning more about Fairtrade? The Office of Sustainability is hosting Fairtrade Lunch & Learn workshops, please contact to arrange one for your team!