Testing Services - New Service Model Reminder

To all faculty and academic partners,

Scheduling Tests

All seats within the Testing Services are booked through an appointment-based process. For learners to schedule a test in the Test Centres, faculty must first make the test available within Blackboard or CourseLink.​

This is done in two easy steps:

  1. Adding the Testing Services integration to your course content  beginning of summer 2022
  2. Providing the test details and the test document – three days prior to the test date

Test Centre staff will approve the submission within one business day.​ Once approved, faculty will receive an automated email.​ Faculty can then let learners know that the test is available, and they can book their test via the system.​

More information about course integration and submitting a test can be found on our website (including new videos).


All learners must schedule their tests through Blackboard or CourseLink.​ Accommodations are automatically connected to the learner's profile in the system, and they are able to select the accommodations they wish to activate for each test.​ Learners will be prompted to select a date/time that is at minimum 48 hours away. Once the learner has completed their test in the Test Centre, faculty will receive an automated email and Test Centre staff will email faculty the completed exam.

More information about how to book a test can be found on our website (including a new video).

Extended Service Hours

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. North and Lakeshore
Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. North (starting October 15)

Thank you for your continued partnership and support of all learners.

Testing Services Team

Student Wellness and Equitable Learning
Student Success and Engagement