Thank You for Supporting "Elevate Your Career at Humber River Hospital"

“Elevate Your Career at Humber” – the first career expo organized in collaboration between Humber College and the Humber River Hospital – was a great success! Humber Community Employment Services would like to sincerely thank everyone at the college who supported this event. There were over 340 candidates register for the event as a result of your referrals!

We are also happy to announce that the Hospital has already hired its first Humber Community Employment Services (CES) client as a Clerical Support Associate in its Emergency Department! In addition to the first hire, the hospital has 2 other candidates in the references stage for roles in their finance department. Tim Horton’s has also hired two individuals as a direct result of the career expo! It’s just been a few days since the conclusion of this hiring event and we are already seeing its impact on employment within the community!

The college has received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the event, and we look forward to continuing and strengthening this partnership with the Humber River Hospital. In fact, the hospital has also expressed an interest in working more closely with the School of Health Sciences at the College in order to facilitate a quick transition to employment for Humber College students who are seeking careers at the hospital and to discuss potential future specialized curriculum. 

This was made possible because of the support and willingness to collaborate with the Humber Community Employment Services by the Schools, Advancement and Alumni Affairs and the Career Centre. We greatly appreciate your assistance and we want to ensure you know how important your commitment has been to the overall success of this event.