Update on Health Issues at North Campus

As of Monday, January 23, we are pleased to report that the number of ill students has not increased appreciably and we are working diligently to ensure that this continues.

As well, approximately 75 per cent of students who were ill now report that they are feeling better. We are hoping to have this confirmed by Toronto Public Health (TPH) by the end of the day.

Although formal test results are pending, TPH suggests that the symptoms are consistent with a seasonal virus such as norovirus. We are hoping to receive confirmation of the source by the end of the day.

To that end, cleaning staff have been working at the North Campus throughout the weekend, cleaning high-touch and common areas with products specifically designated to kill norovirus.

A nursing station has been set up in residence for any students who may require medical attention, which will remain open until no longer needed. We continue to communicate with students on their status and to provide support.

As a precaution, we have disposed of all open food from last week (including items that are not packaged or sealed). Self-serve food, such as salad bar items, is not available for the time being.

We strongly urge all students and staff to follow these hygiene guidelines from Toronto Public Health:

  • Wash hands regularly using soap and warm water, rubbing for at least 15 seconds
  • Use hand sanitizer when available; rub one pump into hands until hands are dry

If you are experiencing symptoms:

  • Stay home until you have been symptom free for 48 hours
  • Wash your hands well using soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds before preparing food and after using the bathroom
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • Avoid preparing food for others

The health and wellbeing of the Humber community is our utmost priority. Please check humber.ca for further updates.