Ongoing – until December 14, 2020
As part of the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, a crew will relocate utilities in the vicinity of the future Humber College Stop, located on the southwest corner of Highway 27 and Humber College Blvd. As part of that work, they will install a new storm drain outfall in the ravine just west of Hwy 27 along the Arboretum Trail, located within the City of Toronto right of way and regulated by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Outfalls are exit points where stormwater enters a waterbody and reduces additional erosion impact to the surrounding natural area. During the outfall installation, the north leg of the Arboretum Trail will be closed to protect the public. The work began in early November and will be ongoing until mid-December.
- The north leg of the Arboretum Trail has been closed from November 5 and will remain closed until December 14, 2020, approximately.
- Pedestrians will be able to use the south leg of the trail.
- Work may be delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
- Temporary closure of the north leg of the West Humber Trail. • Placement of erosion and sediment control devices before construction begins.
- Heavy trucks and equipment will be active in the work area.
- Excavation to install pipes.
- Please take care when walking near work sites.