We Are Proud to Announce...

We are very proud to announce that Humber re-certified with the Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS) certification and achieved a second Silver rating. The re-certification was done with the newest version 2.1 of STARS, the most robust to date. Humber has made great strides in campus sustainability since 2013 and even while the standards of most credits is much higher now, we have increased our score by more than 13 credits!

  2013 (version 1.2) 2016 (version 2.1)

(1st college in Ontario to achieve, 3rd in Canada)

Credit level achieved 45 58.78

Some highlights from the 2016 submission include: 

Many many staff and faculty contribute a great deal of time and effort to help us report to the STARS certification every three years. We are truly grateful to everyone that supports us with this fantastic accomplishment! Well done all! 

The Office of Sustainability