Youth Job Link Program

Do you know someone between 15 -29 years of age looking for a summer job or even their first-ever job? Humber Community Employment Services offers a FREE program that is specifically designed for job-seeking youth (between 15 - 29 years old) and helps connect youth with employers offering job opportunities that match their skills and interests. Not only does the program help youth make sense of the countless career options out there, but also helps them transition into the job of their choice. Upon registration, they will have access to an Employment Advisor/Facilitator – Outreach Assistant on a one-to-one basis, where they will receive customized advice and individualized support towards crafting a career plan. Furthermore, they will also get support in terms of job search workshops, creating a solid resume, interviewing practice, and so on. Job-Seekers or Employers (or a combination) can receive up to $300 in financial incentives when employment takes place through this program, increasing the job-seeker’s chances of securing employment when they enroll in the Youth Job Link program. Up to $600 in financial incentives are available for youth with disabilities. What's in it for youth?
  • Connections with employers offering job opportunities that fit with your skills and interests
  • Improves their knowledge of career options and today’s labour market
  • Résumé writing, searching and applying for jobs, and preparation for interviews
  • Gets them ready for the workplace by learning about teamwork, customer service, health and safety and labour rules
To learn more about this program and to register, contact any one of these 5 locations closest to you: CONTACT US!  Check out some of our other services at Email: Phone: 1-877-944-5744 These Employment Ontario services are funded in part by the Government of Canada.