
September 29, 2017
Sheetal Kapoor

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to announce a reorganization of the Division of Student and Community Engagement.

In order to continue providing the highest quality of service and to support seamless access and referrals for students, some units within the Division of Student & Community Engagement have been realigned. Recent vacancies, in addition to the evolution of divisional goals, have necessitated the opportunity to take advantage of existing synergies within units. The timing of the reorganization will allow for better alignment and more efficient use of key student success functions as we prepare for 2018-19 budget planning and to deliver on the outcomes of the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.

The following changes will take effect October 2nd, 2017:

Meg Houghton will assume the role of Associate Dean, Student Wellness & Equity. Meg will maintain accountability for all Student Wellness & Accessibility programs (Health, Counselling, Accessible Learning Services and related activities), in addition to Testing Services. Meg will now also provide leadership to the areas of Student Conduct, Residence Life, Student Support & Intervention, and Student Diversity & Inclusion.

Chantal Joy will take on the role of Associate Dean, Transition & Academic Support. Chantal will maintain accountability for Integrated Advising activities, Career Services, Learning Support Services, and Employer and Placement support. Moving forward, the areas of Orientation, Transition, First Year Experience programs, Co-Curricular Record and Leadership Development will be joining the Transition & Academic Support unit.

Both of these positions will report to the Dean of Students, and will be part of the Department of Student Success and Engagement, in order to best achieve maximum alignment with departmental and institutional goals.

Please join me in wishing Meg and Chantal success in taking on these expanded responsibilities.


Jason Hunter
VP, Student & Community Engagement

September 28, 2017
Roma Malik
Dropbike Image

Humber College is excited to join Dropbike to bring an affordable, Canadian bike-share service to campus at Lakeshore and at North Campus. The service is available to all Humber students (18 years of age and older), staff and faculty including our neighbouring community. There are currently 50 bikes available at North and Lakeshore Campus! 

What this means: 

There will be an increase in the number of bikes and on campus cyclists throughout the day and evening. Please be more aware and respectful of their presence and be more alert when driving and riding.

We have safety instructions and more details about the program available here:

September 28, 2017
Alissa Firth-Eagland
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Badrin, Omar - Cry Baby

Humber Galleries is launching a fresh new vision with our fall show. We are declaring our earnest affection for creative people who help us see to the world and ourselves differently.

Into You is a group exhibition presented across our two locations, Fall in Deep at North Space and On the Edge at L Space. Crushes can be confusing, exciting, and all-consuming—like being on the edge of a great void and surrendering to an intense feeling. The desire to be accepted by someone else can amplify self-conscious feelings of difference. And yet, as revolutionary poet Sonia Sanchez has written, ‘you can’t have relationships with other people until you give birth to yourself.’ Into You highlights artmaking as a meditative act of self-discovery. Like any great infatuation, the deeper one goes, the more there is to discover.

Featuring works by Omar Badrin, Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby, Francisco-Fernando Granados, Allyson Mitchell, Jagdeep Raina, and Xiaojing Yan, Into You dives deep into the compulsion to create variations of forms that are strangely attractive. They beg to be noticed. Through pastel drawings, crochet, sculpted paper, found textiles, video, and digital drawings on an iPhone, each artist tells a story about themselves, their communities, and how others see them. On the Edge at L Space explores visibility and invisibility at the margins. Who or what goes unnoticed, blends in, and stands out? Fall in Deep at the North Space houses cocoons and second skins. These are protective spaces for transformation, becoming, and turning inward in total surrender. Together, the exhibitions are about belonging on one’s own terms.

Into You: On the Edge
Omar Badrin, Francisco-Fernando Granados, Allyson Mitchell, Jagdeep Raina, and Xiaojing Yan
Curated by Alissa Firth-Eagland and Farah Yusuf
August 29 - November 24, 2017
L Space
Lakeshore Campus
Room L1002
19 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive
Toronto, ON M8V 4B6

Into You: Fall in Deep
Omar Badrin, Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby, Allyson Mitchell, and Xiaojing Yan
Curated by Alissa Firth-Eagland and Farah Yusuf
August 29 - October 20, 2017
North Space
North Campus
LRC 1st Floor
205 Humber College Boulevard
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7

Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
*North Space open Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

For additional information please contact, visit, or find HumberGalleries on social media.


Image credit: Omar Badrin, Cry Baby, soft polyurethane tubing, nylon industrial fishing twine and mason line, 2015
Image courtesy of the artist

September 28, 2017

You would have been forgiven for thinking the School of Health Sciences was having a picnic.

After all, blankets covered much of the open grassy space in the Humber Arboretum, with room for 110 participants to stand and move around comfortably.

But over the next 90 minutes, the blankets had been folded again and again until they were small patches of cloth. Fewer than a quarter of the original participants were left to balance precariously on each small spot, surrounded by empty space. Others sat in chairs that circled the blanketed area, quiet and thoughtful and, for some, teary.

This was no picnic: faculty and staff from Humber’s School of Health Sciences were participating in an Indigenous education activity known as the Blanket Exercise.

Developed 20 years ago by Kairos Canada, a faith-based human rights group, the interactive exercise teaches participants about five centuries of Indigenous history on the northern part of Turtle Island (now Canada), using narration and physical movement to illustrate the devastating effects of colonization, disease and assimilation initiatives.

Read the full story on Humber Today.

September 27, 2017
Krista Holmes

We would like to draw your attention to a few upcoming deadlines for Applied Research & Innovation (ARI) funding opportunities. If you are interested in applying to any of these programs, please contact Krista Holmes ( as soon as possible. The earlier we know about your plans to apply, the better we will be able to support you in submitting your application!

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Connection Grants

Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives.  $7,000 to $25,000 can be awarded for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities.

ARI Expression of Interest Deadline: October 1, 2017
Humber Application Deadline: October 15, 2017
SSHRC Application Deadline: November 1, 2017

Community and College Social Innovation Fund

Community and College Social Innovation Grants are intended to support college social innovation research projects in areas such as education, integration of vulnerable populations, and community development, in partnership with local community organizations.  Up to $120,000 can be awarded per year for up to two years.  Application instructions are now available online, and applications will open on October 12, 2017.

ARI Expression of Interest Deadline: October 16, 2017
Humber Application Deadline: November 1, 2017
SSHRC Application Deadline: December 1, 2017

Partnership Engage Grants

Partnership Engage Grants provide funding to support the short-term needs, challenges and opportunities of researchers and institutions. $7,000 to $25,000 can be awarded for projects that strongly emphasize the relevance to, and involvement of, partner organizations.

ARI Expression of Interest Deadline: November 1, 2017
Humber Application Deadline: December 1, 2017
SSHRC Application Deadline: December 15, 2017

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

Connect Grants

Connect Grants provide targeted financial support to encourage post-secondary researchers at universities and/or colleges to connect with industry and other knowledge end-user communities in order to form new partnerships.  Between $5,000 and $25,000 can be awarded for up to one year.  All activities must take place within Canada.

ARI Expression of Interest Deadline: ongoing
Humber Application Deadline: ongoing
SSHRC Application Deadline: ongoing

Engage Grants

Engage Grants are designed to give innovative companies that operate from a Canadian base access to the unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Canadian universities and colleges. These grants are intended to foster the development of new research partnerships by supporting short-term research and development projects aimed at addressing a company-specific problem.  Up to $25,000 can be awarded for up to sic months.

ARI Expression of Interest Deadline: ongoing
Humber Application Deadline: ongoing
SSHRC Application Deadline: ongoing

Humber ARI will also be launching a new fund in the coming months with a January application deadline.  Stay tuned for more information!

If you are interested in applying for any of the funding opportunities listed above or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact:

Krista Holmes
Associate Dean, Applied Research & Innovation

September 27, 2017
Regan Mancini

Humber is holding student consultation sessions.

North Campus
October 2, 2017
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
LRC Concourse (1st floor)
Lakeshore Campus
October 4, 2017
12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
L Commons
Carrier Drive
October 3, 2017
11:45 a.m.-  1 p.m.
Learning Commons Area
Orangeville Campus
October 11, 2017
12 p.m - 2 p.m.
2nd Floor Hallway

Please assist us in obtaining their input by asking your students to come out and participate.

September 27, 2017
Rose Anthony
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Counselling Services is excited to announce the launch of a new counselling group for students starting this fall 2017: Healthy Minds for Stressful Times. It will provide students with:

  • Tools & strategies to cope with stress, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed
  • Emotional support


  • Where: North Campus, LRC 3rd Floor, Rm 3058 (Seminar room)
  • When: Every Monday, 1:30 - 3 p.m., beginning October 2nd until November 27th, 2017
  • For: Students who are feeling overwhelmed and/or experiencing stress and anxiety.

Please promote to your students:  

  • Print and post the attached poster
  • Post about Healthy Minds for Stressful Times on Blackboard
  • Make an announcement about Healthy Minds for Stressful Times at the beginning of class

Students are not required to sign up in advance; students can attend as many sessions as they like.

Contact: Rose Anthony at

Healthy Minds for Stressful Times works from an anti-oppression framework. We recognize that students face systemic oppression on the basis sexual and gender orientation, race, body size, class, disability, immigration status, country of origin, culture, age and religion. We are committed to creating an environment that celebrates diversity, and challenges all forms of oppression.

September 27, 2017

This month Tara Lew will be leaving Humber after 15 years with the College and the Centre for Teaching and Learning. Tara has touched the lives of so many of us in the Humber community with her wit, charm, eternal optimism, teaching and learning savviness, and overall ability to transform any classroom into a thriving learning environment.

Celebrate her dedication to Humber by donating to the Tara Lew Scholarship fund in honour of her career at Humber. The funds raised will be used to establish a new student scholarship in Tara’s name. All donations will receive a tax receipt.

Make a donation in honour of Tara Lew

September 26, 2017
Lynn vanLieshout
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Is there a community project that your School or Department is interested in developing with a local community organization? Humber College Schools/Departments are invited to develop and submit proposals that can benefit local children, youth, Aboriginal Peoples and newcomers. If you have identified a need in the community, that your school or department has expertise in addressing, you can submit a proposal for funding through this initiative. Assistance is provided to develop your project concept and connect you with a relevant community agency (if you do not have one) to support you in the writing of your proposal.

Submissions due: Friday, November 3, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.

E-mail: to receive funding applications and guidelines, and to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners and to refine concepts. Proposals are reviewed and approved by the Humber College Community Partnership Fund Committee, which is comprised of faculty, staff, and student representation.

September 26, 2017
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The second episode of Humber NEXTcast, a new podcast from Humber Press and the Centre for Teaching & Learning, is now up on Souncloud and iTunes.

In this episode, we talk to Alexandra Link, director of Humber's Arboretum, about the successful new Sustainable Urban Beekeeping program.

Listen to the episiode here.

A new episode of Humber NEXTcast will go up on October 10.

Humber NEXTcast is a new podcast about teaching and learning at Humber College. To suggest future topics or guests, contact
