
March 7, 2018

New Operating Hours

Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday Closed (effective March 10)
Sunday Closed
March 7, 2018
Crystal Williams

The Accelerate program connects companies with postsecondary students to offer hands-on learning experience for students, while also helping businesses solve real-world challenges through student internship placements.

Mitacs Accelerate is now accepting applications from applicants at colleges and polytechnics as part of a pilot initiative for the sector.

More information about the Mitacs Accelerate program can also be found at:

Mitacs will be hosting a webinar to describe the program and its benefits to students and faculty, and answer your questions.

To attend, please register for one of the following sessions (same content presented in all sessions):

If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact:

Crystal Williams
Program Manager, Applied Research & Innovation

March 7, 2018
Lindsay Walker
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

You can now become a part of Humber Earth Week and get a small sample of everything we do in sustainability! A full calendar of Earth Week events is available now.

Want to participate? Find out how you can do your part for the environment and sustainability by visiting our website events page, follow us on social media @SustainHumber or contact for volunteer opportunities.

March 7, 2018

Humber’s Digital Learning Strategy acknowledges that our fundamental commitment to excellence will be fully reflected in the ongoing development of Digital Learning, including the creation and curation of Open Educational Resources (OER). Humber is currently undertaking an institutional inventory of OER use in courses across all programs and schools. This inventory will be a useful tool for helping to identify opportunities for increased adoption of OER in support of learning.

In 2018, Humber official joined the Open Educational Resource University (OERu). Coordinated by the OER Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization, the OERu network of institutions offers free online courses for students worldwide and provides affordable ways for learners to gain academic credit towards qualifications from recognized institutions.

Joining OERu formalizes Humber’s continued re-conceptualization of student access and program delivery frameworks and supports our aim to increase access to mobile and ubiquitous learning and reshape our physical and virtual campuses in order to facilitate 21st-century education. Partnering with OERu aligns with Humber’s digital learning strategic goal to innovate through a networked community within and beyond the College to respond to emerging trends and priorities in our local, national and global communities.  

Want to learn more? Contact Humber’s Director of Digital Curriculum, Theresa Steger (

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s topic on Open Media Resources.

March 6, 2018

The March 2nd issue of Humber Et Cetera is out.

You can view the digital edition on ISSUU or online at

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news from Humber's journalism students.

March 6, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day Menu

Staff Lounge, Wednesday March 14, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

~Choice of~

Guinness braised leg of Ontario lamb
Baked fish with mint and green pea sauce
Cheese ravioli with garlic scape sauce


Steamed seasonal vegetables with lemon & walnuts
Red cabbage & apple slaw, tossed collard greens


Golden Colcannon pie

Beverage included


$11.99 plus taxes

March 6, 2018

On Saturday ,February 24, a group of students from Humber's Post Graduate Supply Chain program competed in the annual SCMA case competition. The competition was a one day event with approximately 30 teams from across Canada participating. Humber's team was selected to advance to the national finals as one of the top five teams.  The event was held simultaneously at the University of Calgary, St. Mary's University (Halifax) and the McMaster Degroote School of Business in Burlington. Congratulations to Sheraz Sheikh, Prasad Mundinamani, Olivia Nasielski, and Alexandra Khoroshunova (pictured left to right) for their achievement!

March 6, 2018
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The School of Social and Community Services is pleased to announce its latest edition of the Dean's Newsletter (Vol. 4, 2017).

Please click on the attachment below.

March 6, 2018

In this episode of NEXTcast, we talk to Professor Anne Zbitnew, who teaches Photography and Visual Literacy at Humber, about using games as teaching tools.

Listen on Soundcloud, or search for “Humber NEXTcast” on iTunes and subscribe. 

March 6, 2018

In October, a group of Humber's Post Graduate Supply Chain students competed against 200 teams from across the world in the annual APICS Case Competition. The team was selected to advance to the regional championships held simultaneously on February 23-24 in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Chicago, Costa Mesa, Mexico City, Parsippany, and Toronto. Congratulations to Mario Wandaleti Amoroso, Binish Hassan, Salwin Lopes, and Chandana Thuppal (pictured left to right) for advancing to the regional round!

