
July 3, 2015
July 3, 2015

The International Centre is expanding our recruitment team. After conducting research on different International Centre organizational models both locally and internationally, it became evident that our recruitment structure would benefit from a redesign. 

Our new team members are introduced below and include a new Associate Director, International Recruitment & Market Development and three International Recruitment Managers (one full-time permanent and two three-year contract positions).

The additional recruiters along with the recruitment co-ordinators and members of the admission team who recruit on behalf of the Centre, will allow Humber to have a wide-spread global representation while allowing the Associate Directors to spend more time on partnership development and strategy. The Associate Directors will also play a key role overseeing important functions within the office such as: conversion strategies, agent relationship management, the recruitment cycle and oversight of critical paths. This realignment also includes the move of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh to Linda Chao’s portfolio and the move of continent of Africa to the Associate Director responsible for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Please join me in welcoming our new team members:

1) We are pleased to welcome Alex Prokopenko to his new role as Associate Director, International Recruitment & Market Development – Europe, The Middle East & Africa. With 12 years of experience in international education, student recruitment, sales and marketing, Alex joins us from Sheridan where he has been working for the past four years as the International Business Development Manager for Latin America and Europe. Alex’s experience includes the implementation of strategic plans, development and implementation of an annual recruitment plan and budget, and identification and management of educational partnerships. Alex is a graduate of Confederation College (Diploma in International Business Management) and the University of Lethbridge (Bachelor of International Management). Fluent in English, Russian and Spanish, Alex will assume his new role on July 6, 2015.

2) We are pleased to welcome Emily Mancuso to her new role as Manager, International Recruitment – Europe, The Middle East & Africa. Emily is currently employed as the Acting Associate Director, International Recruitment & Market Development – The Americas, The Caribbean & Africa, a role which she has held for the past eighteen months. Previously, Emily worked in various student recruitment and admissions roles at York University, Cass Business School (London), Sotheby’s Institute of Art (London) and McGill University. Emily studied at Université Sainte-Anne – Nova Scotia (Intensive French Immersion) and graduated from Concordia University (Bachelor of Fine Arts). Fluent in English and French, Emily will assume her new role in November 2015.

3) We are pleased to welcome Callum Sawatzky to his new role as Manager, International Recruitment – Asia. Most recently Callum has been employed at the University of Regina (four years) in a variety of progressive roles including ESL Sessional Lecturer, International Recruitment Specialist, International Recruitment Co-ordinator and International Admissions and Recruitment Manager. He also lived and worked for six years in Taiwan. Callum is a graduate of the University of Victoria (Bachelor of Applied Linguistics) and the National Chengchi University – Taipei (Master of Asia/Pacific Studies). Fluent in English and Mandarin, Callum will assume his new role on July 27, 2015.

4) We are pleased to welcome Oriana Barros to her new role as Manager, International Recruitment – The Americas & The Caribbean. Oriana joins us with four years of experience working as the Latin America Marketing Co-ordinator at English School of Canada, in addition to experience working for a local international education consultancy. At ESC Oriana developed branding strategies, worked alongside local and international agents, prepared sales proposals, and attended recruitment events overseas. Oriana is a graduate of the Universidad del Norte – Colombia (Bachelor of Industrial Engineering) and Humber College (Global Business Management Graduate Certificate). Fluent in English and Spanish, Oriana will assume her new role on July 6, 2015.

Amanda Koski, Manager, International Recruitment and Market Development

July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015

Take home a piece of Humber history.

Bunkie - built by Humber students in the Interior Design, Home Renovation Technician and Electrical Techniques programs for Skills Ontario. Proceeds in support of student awards & scholarships.

Bid online or from your phone now!

1. Go to 
2. Sign in with your name and contact information (will only be used to contact winners.)
3. You can choose to receive outbid alerts via email - configure your profile under the MENU tab at the bottom left of your screen once you login.
4. Auction opens July 1st, 2015 12 p.m. and closes July 15th, 2015 12 p.m.

Bunkie will be awarded to the highest bidder, transportation not included.
For more information contact 416-673-0152 or

July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015

Did you know that Humber’s Human Rights Policy covers psychological harassment?

The College’s working, living and learning environments will be maintained free from discrimination and harassment as prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code and from personal or psychological harassment.

The College has the right, as well as the legal and moral responsibility, to ensure that all its members are treated fairly, equitably, and respectfully.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services is available to all employees to provide support and advice in the area of human rights. If you suspect that an issue you are dealing with in the classroom or in your department is human rights related, please contact Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity for a quick consultation at or 416.675.6622 ext. 4425.

For more information on Humber’s Human Rights Policy visit:

June 30, 2015
June 30, 2015

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Lori Diduch as Vice President, Human Resources effective August 17, 2015.

The successful candidate after an extensive national search to succeed Deb McCarthy, Lori comes most recently from the William Osler Health System, where she served as Executive Vice President, People, Service and Performance.  With over 20 years of senior human resource experience, she has also held progressively responsible leadership roles with Leisureworld Long Term Care, the Ontario Hospital Association and the Toronto Transit Commission.

Lori brings a strategic focus to service excellence and a proven ability to engage others in achieving results and implementing sustainable change. Her values and skills are well suited to providing the support and leadership required to advance priority initiatives currently underway within Human Resources and across the college.

A Toronto native, Lori holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree from Ryerson University, plus additional focused studies at Queen’s University Schools of Business and Industrial Relations.

Please join me in welcoming Lori to Humber!

Chris Whitaker, President


June 29, 2015
June 29, 2015

Developing Humber’s Academic Plan

June 26, 2015 Update

As indicated in April 2015, we will provide bi-monthly updates on the work of articulating Humber’s Academic Plan until December 2015. Keep reading for the June update and how you can have input into the articulation of the Academic Plan.            

Activity undertaken since April 2015

Presentations and Focus Group Discussions

Since April 2015, I’ve presented and engaged in dialogue regarding the Academic Planning process and content with the following groups, or as part of the following activities:

  • School of Media Studies and Information Technology Ops/Pc Meeting
  • Series of PC Community of Practice sessions at Lakeshore, North and Carrier
  • College Council
  • Showcase (two sessions)
  • International Development Institute Team
  • Academic Operating Committee (AOC)

Online Survey

The Phase One online survey was available from June 10 to June 18. This initial survey was developed to provide opportunities for internal members of the Humber community to have direct input into the articulation of Humber’s Academic Plan. The survey questions were based upon the academic themes and priorities that have been articulated in Humber's Strategic Plan. In addition, there were open-ended questions to allow for broader input and feedback.  

Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis will collate the survey responses. In addition, I am in the process of reading through the numerous answers to the three open-ended questions. We will combine feedback received through the survey process with that received during the broader consultation, and incorporated into the draft academic plan. Overall results from the survey will also be made available and communicated with the August Academic Plan update. 

Results from this initial survey represent just one of many sources of information that will inform the final articulation of the Academic Plan. The draft articulated plan will be available for review and feedback to all internal Humber stakeholders in September and October 2015. A second series of consultations will take place, and a Phase Two survey will be made available during that time, along with the draft document.

Ongoing opportunities for input

Presentations and focus group discussions

Over the coming months I will continue to engage in dialogue with various groups and individuals on the content and layout of the articulated Humber Academic Plan. A number of sessions are already scheduled and I remain available and interested in engaging with as many other groups and individuals as possible. Requests for a dialogue session between now and finalization of the plan (November 2015) can be sent to Please provide as much advance notice as possible if the request is tied to an already scheduled activity. Every effort possible will made to accommodate requests, barring any unresolvable scheduling conflicts.

Individual suggestions and responses via email at

This email address has been set up in order to provide internal stakeholders with a mechanism to ask questions, inquire about possible participation in various academic planning working groups and activities, and provide suggestions regarding the academic planning process or content.  The emails sent to will come directly to my attention. 

All are encouraged to communicate with me via the academic plan email address anytime something comes to mind regarding input into the plan or the process.

Progress updates

We will continue to provide bi-monthly progress updates between now and December 2015 via Communique. If you have any questions regarding progress between updates, please send your questions, comments and suggestions to

Warmest regards,

Laurie Rancourt
Senior VP Academic
Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning



June 29, 2015
June 29, 2015

Spring Convocation – Chris Whitaker’s address to graduates

Spring convocation (June 16, 17 and 18) saw more than 4,000 graduates cross the stage at the Toronto Congress Centre over three days and nine ceremonies. This year, President Whitaker’s remarks were tailored to each graduating school, using examples from many different areas of study. This speech was prepared for the School of Health Sciences, which celebrated its graduates on Thursday, June 18 at 3 and 7 p.m.


Humber College
2015 Spring Convocation
President’s Remarks

The World is Your Classroom

Good afternoon,

Members of the platform party, honoured guests, faculty and staff, family, friends and especially our graduates – I’m thrilled to welcome you to today’s convocation. And I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s excited to be here.

These ceremonies are my favourite time of the year – a time for all of us to celebrate the many successes of our students, and also a chance to reflect on the new beginnings and endless possibilities that await our graduates.

This is a significant year for me because it’s my third year at Humber and chances are, I saw many of you at your orientation when I was also brand-new to the college.  Remember that mix of fear and excitement, feeling a bit anxious wondering what was to come? And that’s just me I’m talking about.  We started our Humber journey together, but, unlike you, I still have work to do here before I graduate.

And while we’re going to spend much of our time together today recognizing the accomplishments of our graduates, convocation is also an opportunity to say thank you to those who helped them along the way.

To Humber’s faculty and staff, I cannot thank you enough. Our students wouldn’t be here today without your consistent support, wisdom and encouragement, from orientation through to right now. When I speak with students, they tell me that they feel valued here – as learners, and as people.

Time and again, I hear what a difference it makes that our professors and staff know their students’ names. So many of you have made yourselves available at all hours, simply because you have been needed. You have shown our students that they count and that someone cares about them – and that is a lesson that extends far beyond the classroom.

Thank you also to friends, families and loved ones for supporting and cheering on our graduates – even through the occasional all-nighter to cram for that impossibly tight deadline.  

(And to think, they did all that work while Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming selfies and pictures of food, Skyping and Snapchatting.)

And now, to our graduates: all your hard work has paid off.  You may have all arrived here from different places, but today you have ended up at the same place together.  In choosing and completing a Humber education, you’ve made a wise investment in your future.

Let me elaborate on that because there’s a message here that should give you both confidence and motivation.

I think it’s obvious to most people that, globally and locally, we are still coming out of some tough economic times.

Youth unemployment, people without jobs and jobs without people are important issues that concern us.  At the same time however, we should acknowledge that this is not the first or last time we will face a struggling economy and challenging job market.  

So experience tells us that while in all journeys worth taking there will be uncertainty, achievements and setbacks, those with the right combination of skills, knowledge and attitude are the most likely to succeed - which leads me back to the education we offer at Humber.

If success for you is defined as being career-ready, then to borrow from one of our popular slogans, “We got you.”

But don’t just take my word for it. Ken Coates, from the University of Saskatchewan, pointed out in a recent report on modernizing postsecondary education that the strength of a college experience lies in its ability to meet the needs of industry, and in giving students the job-ready skills they need to succeed. 

We have further evidence to back this up. Third-party research shows that employers are consistently happy with how Humber grads perform in the workplace.  And surveys of Toronto-area college students indicate that ours have the highest level of confidence that they’re getting the necessary skills and knowledge to serve them well in their future.

Most of you came to Humber with a specific career in mind. You wanted to be a nurse, a paramedic or an early childhood educator.  

And now, you’ve reached your goal – but you have actually achieved so much more. You embody the much broader mission of a Humber education:  to develop highly skilled and broadly educated citizens who can contribute to a global economy.

In order to sustain your career as a skilled professional, you need those specific technical skills you came to Humber to learn. You need to know how to listen for a heart murmur, how to correctly dose a baby with antibiotics and how to help an amputee gain their independence.

Along with these technical skills, you also need essential skills – often described as employability skills, but really, they’re life skills. And although they’re also described as “soft skills”, they’re some of the most difficult to master.

I’m talking about things like the ability to communicate, problem solve, think critically and creatively and work as part of a team. I’ve heard it said that your hard skills get you your job, but whether you keep it most likely depends on your soft skills.

Throughout your courses and programs, you’ve had to develop and practice these essential skills in order to achieve competence in technical areas.

Our philosophy of education also incorporates a strong focus on the value of lifelong learning, which is an important mind-set to have in a dynamic and ever-changing society and economy.   

Lifelong learning is one of those essential “soft” skills: being open to new perspectives and experiences and using them to build on what you already know.

Lifelong learning is about being adaptable and recognizing that change is constant – that our jobs and careers likely will change over the course of our lives. To succeed, you’ll need the skills and attitude to adapt to and anticipate changes even before they happen. This is where creativity, collaboration and problem solving – all of which you’ve learned during your time at Humber – will serve you well.

Lifelong learning, of course, started even before you began your first class at Humber, it continued throughout your education, and it will continue through your life – especially so if you embrace it.  

One example of this can be seen in a trip taken by a group of health sciences students during Reading Week this year.

Accompanied by their professor, Francisca Burg-Feret, a group of 10 students travelled to Guatemala to provide health care to children living in an orphanage and to families in remote parts of the country. The learning experience, I’m told, was absolutely irreplaceable and unforgettable.

Never stop looking for ways to learn from the world – it has a lot to teach you, especially if you seek knowledge in places that may be far outside your comfort zone.    

I hope my comments have given you some food for thought and encouragement as you move on from today. In graduating, you have demonstrated that you have met and exceeded the high standards demanded by our programs.

Your Humber education will serve you well no matter what path you choose – whether that’s more schooling, pursuing your career or just exploring life.  You have the skills, knowledge and capacity to achieve your own success and contribute as global citizens.

Thank you for sharing the precious resource of your time with us. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed and benefitted from your experience.   I also thank you for contributing in many ways to the life of Humber. Our faculty and staff have learned from you just as you have learned from them.

At orientation I encouraged you to take full advantage of all Humber has to offer, to stretch yourself, try new things, and get out of your comfort zone, because that’s what learning is about.  My wish for you as you leave here is that you continue to approach all you do in the same manner.

In closing, it is my pleasure to welcome you as Humber alumni. Now more than 200,000 strong, including almost 8,000 this year alone, our alumni are doing great things all over the world in business and technology, in health care and communications, and in media, hospitality and the arts.

Everyone here today is proud of all you have achieved. You are now and forever part of the Humber family, and like all families, our doors are always open and you’re always welcome home.

Stay in touch, tweet often, post your pictures and remember: 

We Are Humber! Thank you!

June 29, 2015
June 29, 2015

96.9 Radio Humber presents our new webisodes "On The Radio". We bring in industry folks to talk on the radio. First episode is with KISS 92.5 and Humber alum Adam Wylde.

Video link:

Twitter: @RadioHumber

Kylee Winn-Thurrott

June 29, 2015
June 29, 2015

June 29, 2015
June 29, 2015

We are pleased to announce the Research & Innovation funding recipients for Spring 2015.

Another round of funding will be available for Fall 2015. For additional information, visit: or email
