
February 26, 2015
February 26, 2015

All T4s and T4As were mailed on Wednesday, February 25th to the home address that Payroll has on file.  You should be receiving them sometime this week.

Payroll will be reprinting T4s and T4As as of March 2nd 2015 for those who have not received them, or have an older address on file.

If you have any questions concerning your T4 or T4A, please contact one of the following HR/Payroll staff:



Last Name starts with

Victoria Storozhko


N - W

Hannah Song


A - F, XYZ

Wendy Wei


G - M

Brenda Spottiswood




February 25, 2015
February 25, 2015

College Council Highlights: February, 2015
College Council held its second meeting of 2015 on Thursday, February 12, at the North campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I will be continuing to report the highlights of the monthly meetings.  For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly, at

January Startup
Barb Riach, Humber’s Registrar, reported on January startup. Overall, feedback from students, faculty, and administrators has been positive. There was less of a learning curve for students and faculty, fewer errors in regard to scheduling and course setup, fewer issues with Continuing Education courses, and significant improvements in apprenticeship registration.  More schools have moved to course-based registration, which helps students to build their timetables themselves. In addition, many schools were proactive in setting up labs to help students with the registration process, and the Registrar’s office provided support, in order to try to build knowledge within the schools and reduce the number of student action forms (SAFs).

Many of the issues experienced in December and January related to end-of-term processes, as this was the college’s first time going through this period with the new system. These issues are being addressed and should become minimized as the college moves forward.

Feedback should be brought to your School’s PC Champion(s) or representative from the Academic Reference group.

2015/2016 Academic Calendar
Barb Riach spoke briefly about the 2015/2016 Academic Calendar. Due to an unusually late Labour Day, classes for Fall 2015 will begin on Tuesday, September 8, which is the latest possible start date. This means that classes will not end until Friday, December 18 (Friday December 11 for degrees and Friday, December 4 for Humber UNB). Due to Humber’s size, we need five business days between semesters; therefore, classes for Winter 2016 will begin on Monday, January 11.

Program Development
Beginning in September 2016, Humber’s School of Media Studies and Information Technology will offer a Graduate Certificate in Journalism, which will replace its current Accelerated Advanced Diploma in Journalism. This program will provide pathways for students from Humber’s Journalism diploma and degree programs.

This three-semester post-graduate program is well-aligned with Humber’s strategic mandate in the area of transmedia arts and design; it will prepare students to engage in real-time reporting across multiple platforms, using the latest technologies.  Graduates of this program will be able to fully function in a digital environment, including social media and data-based journalism, and will have the skills and knowledge to work as media entrepreneurs/freelancers in a constantly evolving industry. Humber’s program will be differentiated from those offered at other area colleges, due to its focus on multiplatform storytelling.

The first two semesters of coursework for the proposed program will be delivered in a hybrid format, followed by a third semester, which will include an extensive internship component. A capstone project will enable the application of skills within a complex, integrated, and realistic context.

Employee Engagement Survey
In November 2014, all Humber employees – both full- and part-time – were asked to complete an Employee Engagement Survey. A representative from CCI research walked members of Council through the results of the survey. The results show that employees enjoy working at Humber, feel that Humber’s values align with their own values, and understand and agree with Humber’s strategic direction.  However, there is significant room for growth in the areas of communication, performance management, change management, and recognition and rewards.

Humber’s President, Chris Whitaker commented positively on the survey process and noted that, for a first-time survey, a 50% participation rate is encouraging. He also observed that, compared to similar institutions, Humber’s results are positive, and that the data gathered in the survey will be crucial in making Humber an even better place to work. Moving forward, areas of focus will include communications, expressions of value to employees, rewards and recognition, change management, and performance management.

Ray Dyck, Director, Organizational Effectiveness, spoke about how the data from the survey will be used to improve employee engagement at Humber. Action plans will be developed at both the corporate and division levels throughout the spring. In order to gather further feedback from Humber employees during this process, Town Hall sessions will be held at the North and Lakeshore campuses at the following times:

Tuesday, March 3        12 – 1 pm        North Campus              Governor’s Boardroom
Thursday, March 5       12 – 1 pm        Lakeshore Campus       L1017
Tuesday, April 21         12 – 1 pm        North Campus              7th Semester

Recess in the Library
From March 2 – 5, Humber’s libraries will be hosting Recess in The Library, in collaboration with the First Year Experience (FYE) and the International Centre. Each of the four days has its own theme - Animal Day, Wellness Day, Games Day, Arts Day – and features events and attractions such as therapy dogs, yoga and stretching, board games, and henna artists. Please promote this event to students.

LAS Conference: “A Better World”
What can we do to make a better world? What might such a world be like? Is a better world even possible? If you have thoughts and opinions about any of these questions, please consider submitting a proposal to the 6th annual Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Interdisciplinary Conference. Proposals are welcomed from all Humber faculty and staff, and the goal is to include presentations from across a wide variety of schools and divisions, to make this a truly interdisciplinary conversation.

The conference will run Friday September 25 - Saturday September 26, 2015, and the keynote address will be delivered by Greg Rogers, Executive Director of the John Howard Society of Toronto.

To view the call for proposals, and for more information about the conference and keynote speaker, please visit

In keeping with Council’s new mandate to report back to the President on key items, members of Council met in small working groups to discuss the evening’s presentations and to make notes that will be brought to the President.
The next meeting of College Council will be held on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at the North Campus.

February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015

Keep Informed! Know your Rights!
Visit Humber's Human Rights, Equity & Diversity website here.
A document with Human Rights Complaint Resolution Procedures can be downloaded here.

February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is pleased to announce the release of Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy. This policy outlines Humber’s position on the responsibilities of the College, students and employees with respect to protecting gender expression and gender identity consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The policy outlines the Humber Community’s commitments in several key areas, including but not limited to the following: privacy and confidentiality, all-gender washrooms, change-rooms, gender-inclusive language, and all-gender residence.  

Some highlights of the policy are outlined below:

  • Self-identification is the sole and whole measure of a person’s gender. (Section 1.1)
  • All-Gender Washrooms (Section 3.1)

The College will make efforts to ensure that all members of the Humber Community can use washrooms with safety, privacy and dignity, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression. All members of the Humber Community may choose to use any accessible all-gender washroom, regardless of their reason(s) for doing so.

  • Gender Inclusive Language (Section 6.1)

All individuals within the Humber College community are entitled to be referred to by the gender pronoun(s) of their choice

In the coming months, the Centre will be developing an online Gender Diversity training program. The Centre will provide in-person training on the policy upon request. To request in-person training, please contact Candice Warner-Barrow at or at 416.675.6622 ext. 4808.

To read the Gender Diversity Policy in full, please visit

If you have any questions about the policy please contact Nancy Simms at or 416.675.6622 ext. 4425

February 23, 2015
February 23, 2015

The dates for the 2015 Convocation Ceremonies at the Toronto Congress Centre are listed below. The program breakdown per ceremony will be released shortly. 

Tuesday, June 16 at 10 a.m.
The Business School

Tuesday, June 16 at 3 p.m.
The Business School

Tuesday, June 16 at 7 p.m.
School of Creative and Performing Arts
School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism

Wednesday, June 17 at 10 a.m.
School of Applied Technology
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Wednesday, June 17 at 3 p.m.
School of Applied Technology

Wednesday, June 17 at 7 p.m.
School of Media Studies and Information Technology

Thursday, June 18 at 10 a.m.
School of Social and Community Services

Thursday, June 18 at 3 p.m.
School of Health Sciences

Thursday, June 18 at 7 p.m.
School of Health Sciences

Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to wear their graduation regalia. For rental or purchase enquiries, please contact: Gaspard and Sons Ltd, at: or call 1.800.380.8214 Harcourts Ltd., at: or call 416.977.4408 

Please check for further details.

February 23, 2015
February 23, 2015

The third issue of Humber NEXT is now online. Produced by Humber Press and the Centre for Teaching & Learning, NEXT is a twice-annual magazine that celebrates faculty, staff, and students who are expanding the definition of education at Humber. In the new issue: stories about the Humber Literary Review, Humber's Gender and Sexual Diversity Committee, redesigned teaching spaces, tips on engaging new students, and a Q&A with our new Senior Vice-President, Academic. For printed copies, contact Humber Press at

February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015

On February 11, 2015 PC Pierre-Pascal Gendron and the Business School Placement Centre co-hosted a job market panel which was well attended by International Business degree students. 

The panel included graduates from Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce - International Business program, advisory committee members Andreas Hug (Management Consultant and Leadership Coach) and Lauri Asikainen (Principal Consultant, as well as advisory committee member Blair Ruelens (VP, Customer Development) with his special guest, Christine Polstrok (Senior Director, Human Resources) from PepsiCo Foods Canada.

After an introduction to the panel, the spotlight was turned to students who had two hours to ask questions and gain insights into the “real world”. Topics ranged from work placement advice, key skills needed to succeed in the work force, growing industries and tips on effective networking. 

The panel offered up great advice including these tidbits:

  • Make your own luck
  • Be analytical, insightful and a great communicator to succeed
  • Hiring managers will creep you on the Internet so make sure there isn’t anything on the web that will make them not want to hire you
  • Understand and communicate confidently what you learned in your program
  • Networking is not a single conversation. Think of it as a tree that needs to be watered to grow
  • Be prepared and do your research when networking
  • Know the company you are applying for. If it is important for the company to be involved with the community, showcase your passion for the community as well to illustrate you are a great fit
  • Produce results faster than anyone expects you to

Following the discussion, students were invited to network with the panel.


February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015

Washrooms are currently undergoing temporary repairs in D-building, D225 (women's) and D213 (men’s) with work to be completed for February 21st 2015. 
We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact John Schroder, Manager of Maintenance and Operations at extension 4107.

Thank you
Facilities Team
