
March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015

The L Space Gallery will be hosting one more moderated panel discussion that will continue to explore the various facets of Creativity. 

Below is the information for the remaining winter panel. We are looking for interested faculty, staff, and admin who want to be a part of the conversation. 

1.Topic: Space and Design. How the built environment affects our creativity.
a. When: Tuesday, March 31st 12:30pm to 2:00pm 
b. Where: L Space Gallery L 1002, Lakeshore campus 

We are looking for 2 panelists to speak for approximately 5-7 minutes about the topic and its effect on their professional role. You will then be a part of a question and answer period for the remainder of the hour. We are looking for anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of this conversation (faculty, support staff, admin). 

This is a way to see what our peers are doing, foster discussion, and expand our ideas and networks. This is also a great way for students to see what fuels the staff at Humber College. What better way to get the creative juices flowing than a mid-week inspiration boost centered around creativity?! 

Please fill in the attached form and send it to by end of day March 6th. You will be notified about the panel by December 9th. 

2-3 Sentences about your interest in the panel topic:

Thank you for your interest!
L Space Gallery 

March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015

Showcase your program in a public, creative way through Humber's Gallery! The Call for Proposals for the 2015-16 academic year is now open. In addition to the Lakeshore gallery, we’re excited to announce a new gallery space at the North Campus, scheduled to open in September 2015.

Since 2012, Humber's Gallery has acted as a learning lab for students, faculty & staff, and industry organizations. Through an arts-based approach, we can find new ways to educate, promote, and engage with various subject matter. With our focus on innovation at Humber College, the gallery is the public platform in which that creativity is encouraged and activated.

We hope that your school, program or department will consider an exhibition for the 2015-16 academic year. You do not need to be an artist or curator - just bring a creative idea to your proposal and the gallery staff will help guide you through the exhibition process.

Please review the Application Form and Terms & Conditions ( or contact Curator, Tara Mazurk ( to receive a proposal package.

PROPOSAL DEADLINES:  For Fall/Winter (September 2015 to May 2016) Exhibitions: April 3rd, 2015 by 5pm

We can’t wait to see Humber’s creative ideas for the upcoming academic year!

March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015

There are over 40 publicly accessed AEDs (defibrillators) installed throughout Humber campuses and buildings.  As a continuation of the AED initiative and to complement the presence of Public Safety security guards who are all trained in first aid, we are looking at growing a roster of Humber employees who are trained in CPR and the use of defibrillators throughout all Humber buildings.  HRS|Health and Safety Services have been scheduling a series of CPR/AED courses targeting members from the Humber’s Emergency Response Team and Joint Health and Safety Committee.   

CPR-C and AED training provides knowledge and skills for cardiac emergencies both inside and outside of the workplace.   The 4 hour CPR/AED course will be provided by a Red Cross First Aid/CPR instructor and is intended to provide the skills and confidence needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking either in the workplace or at home. The course will also familiarize you with the AEDs that have recently been installed on campus and how to use them. Successful completion leads to a CPR-C certification from the Canadian Red Cross. 

We still have some spaces left in our March courses and are opening them up to Humber employees, particularly those who work in close proximity to an AED.

  • North Campus (Room H407), Thu, March 12, 2015, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Lakeshore Campus (Room L1011), Fri, March 6, 2015, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Lakeshore Campus (Room A170), Mon, March 9, 2015, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

If you are interested, please contact Humaira Pirooz at or ext. 4866.

Please note that those with a current First Aid or CPR-C/AED certificate are not eligible for this training.

HRS | Health and Safety

March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015

Humber Libraries has updated the Copyright & Plagiarism for Students website.
The page now includes a copyright quiz that faculty can use with students.
Find the page and quiz at: > How to > Copyright & Plagiarism (

March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015

Have you ever wondered what a music producer does? Here's your chance to learn from one of the best! Watch BOB EZRIN, Humber Music's 2015 Producer in Residence, during a pre-production rehearsal with the Humber Student Band! Simulcast in the auditorium from 1:30 to 5 pm.

Bob Ezrin is a renowned Canadian music producer and keyboardist, best known for his work with Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, Lou Reed, and Peter Gabriel, among others.

March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015

It is with regret that the Humber Students’ Federation (HSF) announces the resignation of Vice President of Student Life at Lakeshore campus, Candace Pellew. Candace leaves the HSF after two consecutive terms in office, upon achievement of a full-time internship in her field of study. We congratulate her on her recent accomplishment and extend best wishes for success in her new role.

The upcoming HSF elections will see the Vice President of Student Life position filled beginning May 1st. Should you have any questions on concerns in the interim, please contact HSF Services Director, Sieu Moi Ly, at extension 4192 or via email at 

March 2, 2015
March 2, 2015

Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is looking for new Faculty Partners! 

If you are teaching a difficult course and are looking for a way to enrich your students’ learning, we can help! Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is a new initiative being offered by the Peer Programs office and we are looking for faculty partners.

What is SI?

  • A weekly peer facilitated study session for students
  • Provides opportunity for students to review and enhance their learning of course material with their peers
  • Systematic and disciplined approach for helping students learn material assigned by the class professor

How does it work?

  • If you are interested in partnering with us, we will hire, train and supervise the SI student leaders, but we will need your help and support with the following;
  • Support with identifying the best times for scheduling SI sessions for your students
  • Allowing the SI leaders to attend your classes so they can keep up to date on the weekly content and plan for the study session
  • Encouraging your current students to attend SI sessions

For more information, please contact us: 
Melanie Chai at  or Karalee Dell at

February 27, 2015
February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015
February 27, 2015

February 26, 2015
February 26, 2015
We are pleased to announce the first call for proposals for the new Humber Research & Innovation Fellowship (RIF) program. The RIF provides course release time to support Humber faculty members planning or executing an innovation project with at least one industry, community, or academic partner. 

The first RIF Call for Proposals is now open!

Application Deadline: March 13, 2015
Funding Period: Spring/Summer 2015

Humber Research & Innovation will be hosting three lunchtime sessions to answer questions about and provide assistance with the RIF application process. These sessions will be held on March 10, 11 and 12 from 12-2pm in room LX104B.

The RIF is currently being offered as a three term pilot program with future calls for proposals coming in June and October 2015.

For more information, or to sign up to attend an information session, contact:
Krista Holmes
Research Coordinator, Ethics and Internal Programs
416-675-6622 ext. 5721
