
October 22, 2014
October 22, 2014

Over the past several months, an ad hoc committee of the Executive Advisory Council (EAC) has compiled a list of Humber’s cross-institutional committees and developed resources to support effective committee function at Humber. The recommendations of the ad hoc committee were presented to EAC and have been endorsed by the executive team.

At this time, we are pleased to inform the Humber community that a website has been developed to share information related to cross-institutional committees with all Humber staff. We intend for this site to be used as a resource not just for committee chairs and members, but for the broader community of faculty and staff. In the spirit of our commitment to transparency and collaboration, the site will serve as a central repository for information about Humber committees and will promote information sharing across the college.

Please visit the Cross-Institutional Committees page of the We Are Humber internal website for faculty and staff at

The site includes a developing list of committees with a cross-institutional mandate and focus, with links to information about committee membership, mandate and meeting documentation. In the resources section, visitors can access a template to support the development/revision of an effective Terms of Reference, a document detailing common nomenclature and naming protocol for Humber committees, as well as a sample evaluation tool for use by committees to track their progress and efficacy.

Our thanks to committee chairs, who shared information and documentation, and to EAC for timely feedback and advice. Given the evolving nature of these committees and their work, we anticipate ongoing review of the site and welcome feedback at We believe that this resource will help all of us to better understand the important work of Humber’s committees and encourage you to take a look at the site.

Best regards,
EAC ad hoc committee on committees

Scott Briggs, chief information officer, IT Services (chair)
Kathy Cowan Sahadath, director, HR Services
Amy Kaufman, manager, Planning & Government Relations
Olga Lalka, director, Marketing
Elaine Popp, associate vice-president, Academic

October 22, 2014
October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014
October 22, 2014

It gives me great pleasure to announce that three of Humber’s Massage Therapy research submissions have been accepted as finalists within the 2014 IN CAM-Research Symposium - Case Report Poster Competition:

  1. The Research Awareness of Registered Massage Therapists in Ontario has been accepted as an oral presentation by Amanda Baskwill and Kelly Dore.
  2. The Effects of Massage Therapy on Blood Glucose Levels in People with Type 2 Diabetes has been accepted as a poster presentation by Jessica Stacey and Lesley Rew.
  3. The use of an informational Video to improve Patient Satisfaction, Preparedness, Mood and Empowerment has been accepted as a poster presentation by Bryn Sumpton and Felicia Bremner.

 IN-CAM is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research community in Canada generating knowledge through research on complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine/health care to enhance the health of Canadians.
The 2014 Symposium is particularly special as it marks IN-CAM's 10th anniversary themed around ”The Next Wave of Complementary and Integrative Medicine & Health Care Research”

This is an excellent opportunity to highlight the case reports that play an important role in informing practice and developing the research capacity within the massage therapy profession.

This is also an excellent learning experience for Humber’s Massage Therapy students and faculty to gain direct exposure to an important aspect of their profession, the research component and an opportunity to directly interact with the research community.

The IN CAM-Research Symposium Competition will be held in Calgary in November from the 6th – 8th and the winning research project will be announced at closing on Saturday, November 8, 2014.
Please join me congratulating Amanda Baskwill and her team for their high quality research submissions and wishing them all the best of luck on their presentations.
Further information about the upcoming Symposium: The Next Wave of Complementary and Integrative Medicine & Health Care Research.
Susan Somerville RD
Dean, School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism

October 22, 2014
October 22, 2014

Introducing the October edition of the First Year Experience North Campus Newsletter! If you know of a first year student who could use a peer mentor, please refer them to the First Year Experience program where they can register online at The first edition can be found here.

Happy Reading!

October 21, 2014
October 21, 2014

The Diversity & Inclusion Dialogue event; Increasing Accessibility at Humber: AODA Compliance Implications, can now be viewed online on the Centre's website at:

October 20, 2014
October 20, 2014

On October 8th, over 100 students, faculty and staff of the Humber- Ningbo and Humber-Jimei programs gathered together to celebrate the Moon Festival and Thanksgiving. It was an evening full of fun, with friendly competitions, great raffle prizes, a silent auction and a traditional lion dance.

The event was an opportunity for everyone to give thanks and give back. All proceeds from the evening were donated to the United Way. The group raised $2200 in just two hours!

October 17, 2014
October 17, 2014

In class drop-in training is being offered at the North Campus in D225J and at the Lakeshore Campus in D112.

Topics Covered Include:

  1. Everything you need to know about class lists
  2. Understand your Assignments
  3. Entering Grades
  4. Academic Progress
  5. Overview of the Advising Tab

For a complete list of training dates visit:
Can’t make it to a drop-in session?
Online eLearning modules are available 24/7 for faculty, PC’s and advisors:

October 16, 2014
October 16, 2014

As midterms are upon us, the Test Centre appreciates receiving all tests/exams that are being written in the Test Centre at least 2 working days in advance of the student test date. This helps us receive the documents and contact faculty or program coordinators should there be any questions.

Please note that only students who require electronic copy as part of their testing accommodations will be accepted via email. These tests can be emailed to the Test Centre with the completed referral form 2 working days prior to the student test. Students who only require a computer as part of their accommodations cannot have their tests emailed to the Test Centre at this time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Test Centre or check out the faculty resources on our new website:

October 16, 2014
October 16, 2014

In early October, the Lakeshore campus community collaborated to heighten awareness about child abuse and its prevention. Child and Youth Work students were responsible for either advance publicity or for manning the booths on Purple Days. Faculty in other programs, as well as administration personnel, offered to support the publicity initiatives and of course many staff and students visited the booths. Thanks to those on campus who supported us in this very important cause. Special thanks go out to:

  • Paul Cross
  • Amanda Santos 
  • Quin Santos
  • Cynthia Lessard
  • Denny Young
  • Taryn Dickins
  • Anna Santilli-Finn
  • AnneMarie Males
  • Suzanne Iskander
  • Marilyn Cresswell
October 16, 2014
October 16, 2014

Office of the Registrar is looking for volunteers to assist with the 2014 Fall Convocation Ceremonies. The ceremonies will take place at the Toronto Congress Centre on November 11, 2014.

Duties include:

  • Gowning
  • Directional Support

There are three shifts each day; you may sign up for one or more shifts:

  • 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering please sign up here Contact Heather Bannister, for questions.
