
September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

What is HELP?

  • HELP is the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile survey for incoming students.
  • Developed by a cross-institutional Advisory Group, HELP is a cutting-edge incoming student survey.

Who is HELP for?

  • HELP asks incoming first-semester students in certificate, diploma and degree programs to tell us about their preparation for college, their educational and career goals, early opinions about their program and Humber generally, and to identify particular student support services they may use.
  • Participating students are entered into a draw for more than $5,000 in prizes, including $1,500 towards tuition and a Customized Career Booster valued at $500 sponsored by the Humber Students Federation (HSF).

When does it happen?

  • The HELP survey is open to students during the third and fourth weeks of class (September 15 – 28).
  • The survey is administered online and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How does a student access the HELP survey?

  • A student will receive a survey invitation through their personal email. The email subject line will read: “Humber HELP Survey Invitation”. In the content of the email will be the student’s unique link to the survey.

Why is HELP important?

  • Students tell us how we can help them be successful at Humber, and receive individualized emails and timely information about Humber’s services based on areas of assistance they identified as beneficial!
  • Humber Institutional Research creates reports based on student responses to key questions and distributes these to student service areas as well as academic faculty/staff; identifies those who are struggling or at-risk of leaving early.
  • Aggregate data at the program, school and college levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP info?

  • To ask questions or learn more about the survey or reports please contact Humber Institutional Research.
  • Pat VanHorne, Manager at or x4943

Improving student success is an institutional priority, and benefits all of us!


September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

Office of the Registrar is looking for volunteers to assist with the 2014 Fall Convocation Ceremonies. The ceremonies will take place at the Toronto Congress Centre on November 11, 2014.

Duties include:

  • Gowning
  • Directional Support

There are two shifts each day; you may sign up for one or more shifts:

  • 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering please sign up here Contact Heather Bannister, for questions.

September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

Do you know any exceptionally motivated students willing to help others out? We are recruiting students to be Peer Mentors at the Lakeshore and North Campus in the First Year Experience program. This is a volunteer position with many incentives for student leaders such as:

  • Leadership opportunity – excellent resume builder
  • Receive training that is transferable to the job market - communication skills, leadership skills, conflict resolution
  • Receive a certificate upon completion of the year!
  • Receive a letter of recommendation upon completion of the year!
  • Receive a completion of volunteer hours based upon your program/personal requirements!
  • Free food at events throughout the year
  • Be part of a group of mentors that have the same goals as you and an instant group of friends
  • Get to know your faculty better and have them see you as a leader
  • Make a difference on your campus


For more information please connect with:

NORTH: Rebeca Mahadeo, Student Life Coordinator (North Campus) at 416.675.6622 ext. 5887 or by email:

LAKESHORE: Amber O’Connor, Student Life Coordinator (Lakeshore Campus) at 416.675.6622 ext. 3644 or by email:

September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

The dates for the Fall 2014 Convocation Ceremonies at the Toronto Congress Centre are as follows:

Tuesday, November 11 at 10 a.m.

  • School of Social and Community Services
  • School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism
  • The Business School

Tuesday, November 11 at 3 p.m.

  • School of Applied Technology
  • School of Creative and Performing Arts
  • School of Health Sciences
  • School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • School of Media Studies and Information Technology

Tuesday, November 11 at 7 p.m.

  • Certificate of Achievement Programs

Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to wear their graduation regalia. For rental or purchase enquiries, please contact:
Gaspard and Sons Ltd, at: or call 1.800.380.8214
Harcourts Ltd., at: or call 416.977.4408

Please check for further details.

September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

The Library needs your feedback on two eResources - IEEE Library and McIntyre Streaming Videos. The trials expire September 30 so please vote soon at

September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

The Fall 2014 Learning & Development Calendar is available - registration is open at

September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

Humber College's very own gallery hosts exhibitions and programs which promote the dynamic connectivity of curriculum, community, and campus.

Visit ( for more information about exhibitions, art workshops, art tours, and upcoming events.

All exhibitions and events support innovation and learning, and we welcome class and group visits. To discuss how gallery programming can enhance your program's learning outcomes and provide a social experience for students, please contact


The Wishing Well
An exhibition by Frog in Hand
August 25th to September 28th, 2014

Capturing Imagination: The Art of Storytelling
An exhibition from the Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators, and Performers (CANSCAIP). Presented by the School of Creative and Performing Arts
October 1st to October 19th, 2014

The 60th Annual Type Directors Club, International Competition
Presented by the School of Media Studies
October 22nd to October 31st, 2014

Anishinaabe, Nongom! (Indigenous people, Today!)
Presented by Humber's Aboriginal Student Circle
November 3rd to Friday, November 7th, 2014

Global Lens: Student Images from Home & Abroad
Presented by Humber's International Centre
November 17th to November 27th, 2014

Picture This…Proust Questionnaire
Presented by the School of Social & Community Services
December 2nd to December 18th, 2014

September 9, 2014
September 9, 2014

For the 2014-15 academic year, the L space Gallery will be hosting moderated panel discussions that explore various facets of creativity. We will be hosting two panels in the Fall semester and another two in the Winter semester.

The Creative Panels provide a platform to share our work among peers, foster discussion, and expand our ideas and networks. This is also a great way for students to see what motivates and inspires the staff at Humber College.
We are looking for four panelists (per session) to speak for approximately five to seven minutes about the topic and its effect on their professional role. Panelists will be a part of a question-and-answer period for the remainder of the hour long event.

Please fill in the below form before September 10th at 5 p.m. You will be notified about your status by September 15th.

*Look for the call for interest for the Winter semester later on this semester.

Thank you for your interest,
L space Gallery

September 9, 2014
September 9, 2014

We are in the early stages of refreshing our website and would appreciate your help.

What should we "Start, Stop, Continue"?

Please click on the link below to fill out a form, and become a part of the CTL Website Redesign.

Click here to submit feedback.

September 9, 2014
September 9, 2014
Humber Press, the official academic press of Humber College, has launched its online store. Humber Press titles are available with free shipping to any Humber campus location. Just go to

