
September 8, 2014

Following a competitive search, I am pleased to announce that Darren Richards is the successful candidate for the newly created position of Manager of Creative Productions.

As Manager, Creative Productions, Darren will be responsible for the oversight and operations of the two Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) production studios (one at the North Campus; the other at Lakeshore), and the 2 existing CTL college channels: CTL YouTube and Humber EDU. Darren’s focus on production, creative, and technical support is aimed at advancing teaching & learning techniques, the development of creative content for eLearning courses and video content for use in face-to-face learning opportunities. Leading a creative team of production assistants, animators and motion picture developers, Darren will ensure that operations align with CTL’s vision, the College’s business, strategic plans, policies and procedures and all applicable legislation.

Darren’s employment background includes a variety of technical and customer service positions at Best Buy Canada Ltd. as well as series of independent contracts working on creative productions. In addition to being a graduate of Humber’s Broadcast Television and Videography Program, Darren has A+ Certification, ISF Level II Certification (Television Calibration) and is a certified trainer.

Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Darren Richards to the Humber Team.

Eileen De Courcy
Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning

September 5, 2014
September 5, 2014

Our goal of making international students feel welcome and helping them succeed requires many different things. From orientation to social networking events, international student services are in place to give Humber students various types of support.

Getting used to a new country and a different culture can be tough. That is why Humber has developed a special set of programs for international students to help them adjust, adapt, and thrive in their new environment.

A few of the student services provided by the Humber International Centre are listed below.

Virtual Passport to Humber
The Virtual Passport is an online tool designed to assist international students prior to moving to Canada.

On-Campus Orientation, International Students’ Welcome, and Meet ‘N’ Greet
The beginning of each new semester starts with academic orientation and an international students’ welcome to help students  learn about upcoming workshops, trips, advising, academic integrity, health insurance, immigration, and more. We also host Meet ‘N Greets at the North and Lakeshore campuses for students, staff, and faculty to network while enjoying an authentic Canadian BBQ, play a few games, and take a #HumberSelfie or two!

Passport to Success
The Passport to Success program encourages students to succeed by rewarding them for attending events and workshops that enhance their experience while studying at Humber and prepare them for their careers. To learn how to participate, click here.

International Student Workshops
The International Centre organizes workshops on important topics such as health care support and work permits.

Monthly Events and Trips
International Student Services staff help international students orient themselves to Canadian culture by organizing a variety of outings. Students go to places such as Niagara Falls, Ottawa, and Montreal; watch hockey games and soccer matches; and attend theatre performances. To check out some of the highlights from past events, click here to see a video made by a talented Humber graduate!

Feel free to direct students to the International Centre for more information about the services we offer. We would love to see staff and faculty at some of our events and workshops as well – you are always welcome to join us!

September 5, 2014
September 5, 2014

The offline catelogue is available by clicking the photo above. To register visit:

If you have any questions contact

September 4, 2014
September 4, 2014

Humber’s Department of Public Safety is continuously seeking ways to enhance the safety and security of the college’s campuses. The most recent additions to the department are new patrol vehicles called Sentinels. Provided by Primary Response Services, our contract security provider, the Sentinels are three-wheeled fully electric vehicles with zero emissions that provide an elevated patrol platform for security guards to observe their surroundings while moving quickly around campus, including areas where a traditional patrol car cannot go.

Rob Kilfoyle, Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management says “the increased mobility and the heightened profile of these marked vehicles will improve response times to incidents or emergencies on campus, and will also provide a greater sense of security and visibility to those in need of our department’s services.” The Sentinels will be in use at the North and Lakeshore Campuses.

September 4, 2014
September 4, 2014

To register e-mail: or call: 416.675.6622 ext. 4808

September 3, 2014
September 3, 2014
The assignment calculator is a great tool to help students organize their written assignments and stay on track. Check it out today!


September 3, 2014

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Krista O'Donnell as Humber’s new Chief Advancement Officer (CAO).

Krista will lead the planning and implementation of advancement activities to maximize individual, corporate, foundation, donor and strategic partnership investment, and will enhance relationships with Humber’s 200,000 plus alumni to encourage current and future support.  Krista brings a significant amount of experience to her role and will be a tremendous asset to the Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto and is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) and has more than 19 years of experience in fundraising.  In her most recent role as the Chief Development Officer at the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) she was responsible for the strategic management and co-ordination of development activities. Tasked with securing major financial contributions and meeting ambitious revenue goals during her tenure at the RCM, she launched a $40 million campaign and raised the first $20 million within nine months. Krista has also worked with the Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation as the Director of Major and Planned Gifts, and with the University of Toronto as a Development Officer.

Krista will start at Humber on Monday, September 22nd and will report to Alister Mathieson, Vice-President, Advancement & External Affairs.

Please join me in welcoming Krista.

Alister Mathieson
Vice-President, Advancement & External Affairs

September 3, 2014

Information Technology Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Moore as Director, IT Project Management starting Tuesday September 2, 2014.

The Director, IT Project Management leads the Project Management Office for Information Technology Services at Humber. Reporting to the Chief Information Officer, Michelle will be responsible for the development and implementation of portfolio management processes to ensure projects are aligned with the Humber Strategic and Business Plans, IT Plans, and client priorities. Michelle will be the senior leader within ITS responsible for supporting the integrated Finance & Administrative Services initiative related to developing common project management standards and practices. Michelle's team is also responsible for the technology component of major strategic infrastructure and renovation projects including the Learning Resource Commons at North Campus and the Welcome Centre & Athletics developments at the Lakeshore Campus.

Michelle joins Humber with significant experience in project management and business analysis. Most recently, Michelle was Manager of the Project Management Office for AGFA Canada with responsibility for project management practices across AGFA North America. In addition, Michelle was responsible for the project management of internal corporate projects such as the implementation of the professional services module of SAP and providing leadership for thirdparty audits including Health Canada, Federal Drug Administration, and ISO 9001. Michelle's experience prior to her eight years at AGFA included working with Siemens Canada, Certicom, and Bell Expressvu.

Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. In addition, Michelle is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), has a masters certificate in project management from York University and has completed the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Foundations course.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome for Michelle to the Humber community.

Scott R. Briggs
Chief Information Officer

September 2, 2014
September 2, 2014

The International Centre would like to invite faculty and staff to join new and returning international students at a number of exciting events this September! A calendar of all the events we have planned is available to print from our website and we would appreciate it you could post this in your offices. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014
Niagara Falls Day Trip
Cost:  $25/person (includes the bus to/from Niagara and the Maid of the Mist Boat Ride)
Time: The bus will depart from North Campus at 8:00 am and Lakeshore Campus at 8:30 am. The bus will leave Niagara to return to Toronto at 4:00 pm.
Registration: Register and pay at the International Centre - D224 at North/H100A at Lakeshore. 
Read More:

Saturday, September 13, 2014
CN Tower Trip
Cost: $15/person (includes the bus to/from Humber)
Time: The bus will depart from North Campus at 10:30 am and Lakeshore Campus at 11:00 am. The bus will leave the CN Tower and return to campus at 3:00 pm.
Registration: Register and pay in cash at the International Centre - D224 at North/H100A at Lakeshore.
More information:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Meet & Greet (Lakeshore Campus)
This on-campus event is an opportunity for new international students to relax after the first few weeks of classes, enjoy a Canadian-style BBQ, as well as meet the International Centre staff, Connect Buddies, and other new students
Cost: Free
Time: TBA (Check here for updates).
Place: Outside the International Centre (H100A)
Registration: Register on the EventBrite page that will be set up in September. Bring your ticket to the event.  
More information

Thursday, September 18, 2014 
Meet & Greet (North Campus)
This on-campus event is an opportunity for new international students to relax after the first few weeks of classes, enjoy a Canadian-style BBQ, as well as meet the International Centre staff, Connect Buddies, and other new students.
Cost: Free
Time:  4:00-6:00
Place: Near the gazebo behind D and B buildings (B201 in case of rain)
Registration: Register on the EventBrite page that will be set up in September. Bring your ticket to the event.  
More information:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 
Trip to the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario)
Cost: Free
Time: 4:30
Place: Meet at the International Centre. We’ll travel by TTC together.
Registration: Sign up in the International Centre.
More information

Saturday, September 27, 2014
International Students’ Festival
Cost: Free
Time: 1:00-5:00 pm
Place: David Pecaut Square (55 John St., near King St. and John St., Toronto)
Meet at Humber at 12:00 to travel by TTC with a student ambassador or join us any time between 1:00 - 5:00 pm at David Pecaut Square.
Registration: Sign up at the International Centre if you plan to take the TTC with us. 
More information

For each trip, students, faculty, and staff are asked to register in advance. The registration instructions are provided on each Facebook event page. We also post photos from our events to Facebook and recaps on the blog.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

September 2, 2014
September 2, 2014

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive. Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at x 4427 or for due consideration.

01 Monday 
September = Mdaamini Giizis / Genuuqwiikw (Aboriginal) 
Mdaamini Giizis is also known as Corn Moon (Ojibwe). Genuuqwiikw is the season of mountrain trails and the fall hunt (Other). 
First Parkash (Sikhism) 
Commemorates the installation of the Adi Granth, the Sikh Scriptures’ first edition in the Golden Temple by the fifth Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 CE.
Labour Day (Canada/USA) 
A national holiday to celebrate the contribution of labour to society by working persons.

08 Monday
‘Izzat to Sep 26 (Baha’i)
‘Izzat, meaning Might, is the tenth month of the Baha’i year.
Ananta-chaturdasi (Jainism) 
The Festival of Ten Virtues is the holiest day of Dashalakshani-parva for the Digambara sect.

09 Tuesday
Full Moon The moon is at its greatest visibility.
Ksamavani (Jainism) 
A day of universal forgiveness when Jains ask forgiveness of others for wrongs committed during the previous year and, likewise, forgive those who caused them suffering. 

12 Friday
Ghambar Paitishahem to Sep 16 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the earth and the harvesting of the summer crop.

23 Tuesday
September (Fall) Equinox
Mabon / Harvest Home (Wicca) 

Celebrates life’s encapsulation as a seed to survive the cold, barren winter and the Harvest of the Vine which, as wine, symbolizes the Goddess’ power to transform youth’s sweet nectar into old age wisdom and spiritual maturity.

24 Wednesday 
New Moon The moon is at its least visibility.

25 Thursday 
Rosh Hashana to Sep 26 (Judaism)
Rosh Hashana is considered the anniversary of the creation of the world and begins at sundown on the previous day. It is the first of the Ten Days of Awe (or Repentance) ending with Yom Kippur and is celebrated with prayers and religious observances. Reform Jews celebrate for one day and others for two. 
Navratri to Oct 03 (Hinduism) 
Nine nights starting on the new moon and ending on Dussehra are dedicated to the goddess Durga who had 9 incarnations and has the power of good to destroy demons.

27 Friday
Mashiyyat to Oct 15 (Baha’i)
Mashiyyat, meaning Will, is the eleventh month of the Baha’i year.

30 Tuesday
Durga Puja to Sarawati Puja Oct 02 (Hinduism) 
Celebrates the divine creative force of the universe and honours the 10-armed goddess Durga, wife of Shiva, and the destroyer of demons.
