NAOSH Week Winners

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our North American Occupational Safety and Health week draw. Anyone who wrote to tell us what they did for safety during NAOSH week was entered in a draw for gift cards. And the winners are…

  • The Humber Libraries Circulation Team – the whole team is working to reduce dust in the library. Thanks Amanda Van Mierlo for telling us about it!
  • Allan Brown, Central Plant Services – it was great to hear how careful Allan is when he works with ladders. He finds the right size, inspects it before use, then makes sure not to go past the second to last rung. Perfect!

Many thanks to those who participated and to everyone who helps to make Humber a safer place every day. Finally, a special thank you goes out to Humber’s Joint Health and Safety Committee who are always working hard for you.

Stay safe!