Election Coverage by Humber Students

Humber's School of Media Studies' Postgraduate Journalism and Web Design and Interactive Media programs are collaborating to bring special Ontario election coverage to Humbernews.ca. Students joined forces on a special multi-disciplinary data and mapping project that mirrors the modern newsroom, provides students with a rich hands-on learning experience and extends Humber’s tradition of exploring new learning models to prepare students for industry.

You can see the results of their collaboration here: humbernews.ca/ontario-election-2018

The journalism students will also hit the ground running on election night, producing live multi-platform coverage from key ridings as well as the headquarters of all three party leaders. Follow their live coverage on Radio Humber 96.9 starting at 8:30 p.m., on humbernews.ca and on Twitter @humberonline #ontariovotes2018.